Planning Committee – 7 December 2001



PRESENT: – Councillor Ellis in the chair.

Councillors Fordham (vice-chair), Gosling, Holgate, Long, Rocks, Wardle, Whiteley and Wood.

Councillor’s Chapman, Clark, Mrs Herring and T Muir attended the meeting under the provisions of Procedure Rule 38(b).

The committee met at the Village Hall, West Street, Scawby.


The following members declared that they had been lobbied in respect of applications on the agenda as follows: –

Member – Application – Minute

Councillor Holgate – 01/0868 – 117

Councillor Holgate – 01/1053 – 118

Councillor Wardle – 01/1267 – 120

Councillor Wood – 01/1316 – 119(viii)

115 REQUESTS TO SPEAK – PROCEDURE RULE 36(e) – It was reported that four requests to speak had been received in accordance with Procedure Rule 36(e). The chair stated that the speakers would be able to address the committee prior to consideration of the respective applications.

116 MINUTES – Resolved – That the minutes of the proceedings of the meeting held on 9 November 2001, having been printed and circulated amongst the members, be taken as read and correctly recorded and be signed by the chair.

117 APPLICATIONS DEFERRED FROM PREVIOUS MEETING (minute 105 refers) – In accordance with the decision at the previous meeting, members had undertaken a site visit earlier in the day. The Director of Environment and Public Protection submitted a report and updated them orally where appropriate.

(55) 01/0868 by Mr R Raynor for change of use of a dwelling to a hotel/restaurant at The Windmills, Belton Road, Epworth.

The Director of Environment and Public Protection advised the committee of an additional letter from an objector expanding on the earlier objection.

Resolved – That permission be refused in accordance with the recommendation contained in the report.

118 (56) 01/1053 by Mr and Mrs RH Brown for erection of a 3-bedroomed bungalow on land east of The Rectory, Church Street, Amcotts

Prior to consideration of this item, a representative of the applicant addressed the committee under the provisions of Procedure Rule 36 (e). He stated that there had been a previous permission for the site which was within the development limit for Amcotts contained in the Boothferry Borough Local Plan Deposit Draft and was effectively an infill plot. There were no objections from the parish council or from local residents. The proposal was a “one-off” which would not set a precedent. A flood risk assessment had been carried out and this addressed the concerns of the Environment Agency.

The Director of Environment and Public Protection stated that whilst the proposal was well designed it was nevertheless unacceptable in policy terms. Policies in the draft NLLP were far more in line with current national policy guidance on the location of new housing development than the previous draft plan for this area.

Resolved – That permission be refused in accordance with the recommendation contained in the report.

119 (57) PLANNING APPLICATIONS – The Director of Environment and Public Protection submitted a report incorporating a schedule containing details of applications for determination by the committee including summaries of policy context, representations arising from consultation and publicity and assessment of the applications. Officers updated the schedule orally in respect of late representations and other significant developments since its preparation.

Resolved – That the following applications be approved in accordance with the recommendations contained in the reports.

(i) 01/1025 by CW Fields Ltd for erection of an extension to a workshop and creation of additional vehicle parking at CW Fields Ltd, Station Road, Epworth.

(Prior to consideration of the following applications, 01/1151 and 01/1154 the applicant addressed the committee under the provisions of Procedure Rule 36 (e).

(ii) 01/1151 by Richtoy Motorsport for Listed Building Consent to make alterations in connection with the change of use of retail premises to retail/car showroom at 1 King Street, Winterton.

(iii) 01/1154 by Richtoy Motorsport for change of use of retail premises to retail/car showroom and ground floor of rear yard buildings to vehicle valeting and preparation area with associated alterations to shop front including installation of additional windows at 1 King Street, Winterton.

(subject to additional conditions (i) restricting the hours of operation to between 8.00 a.m. and 5.30 p.m. on Mondays to Fridays, 8.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m. on Saturdays and no Sunday working, and (ii) requiring any mechanical valeting works to be carried out indoors).

(iv) 01/1159 by North Lincolnshire Council for outline permission to erect a detached dwelling at 54 Newport Street, Barton – upon – Humber.

(v) 01/1200 by Mr D and Mrs J Empringham for the continued use of premises as combined residential and business use (storage and re-use of reclaimed timber) at Hallands Farm, College Road, Barrow – upon – Humber.

(vi) 01/1235 by Mr and Mrs DA Pearson for the change of use of agricultural buildings to a garden centre and pottery at Hall Farm, Melton High Wood, Melton Ross.

(subject to the amendment of condition two by the addition of the words ” or their tenants”).

(vii) 01/1282 by Mr C Muscroft for the retention of a porch at Battlefields Stud, Woodhouse Lane, Belton.

(viii) 01/1310 by Mr and Mrs Popple for the erection of a 5-bedroomed 3-storey detached house and garage on Plot 2, Westgate Road, Belton.

(ix) 01/1316 by Mr and Mrs R Marshall for retention of a shed/barbecue facility at Brooklands, 20 Butterwick Road, Messingham.

(Prior to consideration of this application, an objector and one of the applicants addressed the committee in accordance with Procedure Rule 36 (e).

The objector stated that the building had been erected without the benefit of planning permission and caused a loss of light and privacy to her dwelling. The barbecue would create a nuisance in the form of noise and fumes.

The applicant stated that she had initially been advised that the building did not require planning permission. The objectors had not initially been opposed to the proposal. The chimney would minimise smoke and the shed was built of reclaimed brick in order to fit in with its surroundings.

The Director of Environment and Public protection advised members that the building would not have required planning permission but for the fact that No. 20 Butterwick Road was a listed building. It had no adverse impact on the listed building and whilst the objector’s concerns had been assessed they were not considered to carry enough weight to justify refusal in the circumstances.

120 01/1267 by Mr JA Williams for the erection of a covered area to the rear of an existing building at Cow Farm Cottage, Town Street, South Killingholme

(Prior to consideration of this application an objector addressed the committee in accordance with the provisions of Procedure Rule 36 (e). His main concern was that if development was allowed, it would result in an unacceptable loss of light to his property)

Resolved – That the application be refused in accordance with the recommendation contained in the report.

121 01/1410 by Orange Personal Communications Ltd for determination concerning prior approval of siting and appearance of a 15m high monopole with 2 antennas, 1 microwave dish and associated equipment cabinet on part of OS Field No. 6566, south east of Dorset Close West and East (access from Darby Road), Burton – upon – Stather.

The Director of Environment and Public Protection informed the committee that further information had been obtained since the publication of the agenda, however, this was insufficient to demonstrate that the present site was the only one suitable for the intended purpose. By the time of the next meeting of this committee the statutory deadline for determination of the application would have passed and approval would be deemed to be granted.

Resolved – That prior approval be required and that such approval not be granted in accordance with the recommendation contained in the report.

122 01/1231 by Mr and Mrs G Carraby for the erection of a dormer bungalow with a double garage and car port and a 2m high wall along the southern boundary on Plot 6, Kenya Drive, Bottesford.

(Prior to consideration of this application an objector addressed the committee in accordance with the provisions of Procedure Rule 36 (e).

He stated that the dormer bungalow would infringe the privacy of his and other neighbouring properties on High Garth and that the proposal was contrary to a condition attached to an earlier permission on the plot which restricted development to a single – storey dwelling.

The Director of Environment and Public Protection advised the committee that the main issue was the height of the proposed dwelling. Contrary to the objector’s claim, there had been no condition on the original outline permission restricting any dwelling to one storey. There had been a subsequent application for a bungalow which had been approved, but this did not preclude a further application for a different type of dwelling such as the present one.

Resolved – That consideration of this application be deferred until the next meeting and that members visit the site prior to that meeting.

123 (58) APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL OF RESERVED MATTERS FOLLOWING THE GRANT OF OUTLINE PERMISSION – 01/1239 by Miss C Watkins and Mr S Maxwell in relation to outline planning permission 99/1127 for erection of a detached house – The Director of Environment and Public Protection submitted a report informing members about an application for approval of reserved matters which was ready for determination. Outline planning permission had already been granted and the development had therefore been agreed in principle. Consideration was now required to the details of the siting, design, external appearance, means of access and landscaping of the development (excluding any of these matters which were expressly approved at the time outline permission had been granted).

Resolved – That approval be granted subject to the conditions contained in the report.

124 (59) APPEALS – The Director of Environment and Public Protection submitted a report informing members of the outcome of the following appeals: –

(i) Against the refusal to grant outline planning permission for the erection of two dwellings on land to the rear of Moorland House, The Nooking, Haxey – Application 00/0334 – Appeal allowed subject to conditions.

(ii) Against the refusal to grant outline planning permission for the erection of 10 detached 3-bedroomed houses and garages, 4 detached 4-bedroomed houses and garages, and 1 pair of semi-detached 3-bedroomed houses with garages, associated road and open space on land off Baldwin Avenue (phase 11, plots 201 -216), Bottesford – Application 01/0221 – Appeal allowed subject to conditions

Resolved – That the report be noted.