Planning Committee – 2 June 2010

Chair: Councillor Collinson
Venue: The Council Chamber, Pittwood House, Scunthorpe
Time: 2pm


  1. Substitutions
  2. Declarations of Personal and Personal and Prejudicial Interests, significant contact with applicants, objectors or third parties (Lobbying) and Whipping Arrangements (if any)
  3. To take the minutes of the meeting held on 5 May 2010 as a correct record and authorise the chair to sign
  4. Major applications for determination by the committee
  5. Planning and other applications for determination by the committee
  6. Any other items, which the chair decides are urgent, by reasons of special circumstances, which must be specified.

Note: All reports are by the Head of Planning unless otherwise stated.


PRESENT: Councillor Collinson (in the chair).

Councillors Whiteley (Vice-Chair), Ali, Bainbridge, Barker, B. Briggs, Bunyan, Carlile, Eckhardt, England, Grant, P Vickers and Wardle.

The committee met at Pittwood House, Scunthorpe.


The following members declared personal interests: –

Nature of Interest
Cllr Ali 1248 (vi) 10/0296 Knew the applicant
Cllr B Briggs 1248 (vii) 10/0317 Knew the applicant
Cllr Eckhardt 1247 (ii) 09/1413 Knew the manager
Cllr P Vickers 1247 (i) 09/0828 Member of Barton Town Council
Cllr Wardle 1247 (i) 09/0828 Knew the applicant

1246 MINUTESResolved – That the minutes of the proceedings of the meeting held on 5 May, 2010, having been printed and circulated amongst the members, be taken as read and correctly recorded and be signed by the chair.

1247 (1) MAJOR PLANNING APPLICATIONS – The Head of Planning submitted a report incorporating a schedule containing details of major applications for determination by the committee including summaries of policy context, representations arising from consultation and publicity and assessment of the applications. The Head of Planning updated the reports orally where appropriate. Other officers attending gave advice and answered members’ questions as requested.

(i) 09/0828 by Keigar Homes for the erection of 38 dwellings including the provision of access roads and public open space on land off Falkland Way, Barton-upon-Humber.

Prior to consideration of this application the applicant addressed the committee. He stated that the application site was part of a larger site that was allocated for development in the local plan. The development would provide much needed affordable housing, public open space, paths, cycleways and play areas.

The Head of Planning suggested a proposed amendment to condition 12.

Resolved – That permission be granted in accordance with the recommendation contained in the report subject to Condition 21 being replaced with the following:-

“No development shall commence until such time as details have been submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority of the means by which the proposed dwellings (excluding those defined as affordable housing) will comply with the provisions of the Code for Sustainable Homes as follows:

(a) 20% of properties shall meet Code Level 3; and

(b) 40% of properties shall meet Code Level 4.”

(ii) 09/1413 by PD Hook (Group) Ltd for the erection of 3 poultry buildings with associated feed bins and staff amenity building at Mason Farm, Carr Lane, Crowle.

Resolved – That permission be granted in accordance with the recommendation contained in the report.

1248 (2) PLANNING AND OTHER APPLICATIONS – The Head of Planning submitted a report incorporating a schedule containing details of applications for determination by the committee including summaries of policy context, representations arising from consultation and publicity and assessment of the applications. The Head of Planning updated the reports orally where appropriate. Other officers attending gave advice and answered members’ questions as requested.

(i) 10/0124 by Mr C Layton for the conversion of a piggery to residential use and raising of the height of the roof at piggery adjacent to Wakefield Lodge, Low Hall Road, East Lound, Haxey.

Prior to consideration of this application the applicant addressed the committee. She stated that the building was of local importance and the current proposal would ensure its continued existence. The raising of the roof would allow the roofspace to be utilised and for a garage and workshop to be created downstairs. There were no objections from local residents or the parish council.

Resolved – That permission be granted in accordance with the recommendation contained in the report subject to an additional condition requiring the existing paddock to be retained as such.

(ii) 10/0214 by Mr and Mrs M Baker for the retention of a bay window in a conservation area at Mary’s House, 1 Main Street, Saxby-all-Saints.

Prior to consideration of this application the applicant addressed the committee. She stated that she had been given conflicting advice from officers and had been led to believe that the work did not need permission. The bay window had been in place since the 1960’s.

Members considered the matter and came to the conclusion that the development would not have an adverse impact on the street scene.

Resolved – That permission be granted.

(iii) 10/0231 by Mr R Hornby for the removal of condition 6 of permission PA/2007/0394 dated 25 April 2007 to allow for the permanent use of land for the crushing and screening of materials and for the open storage of hardcore, plant and equipment at Elsham Airfield, Middlegate Lane, Elsham.

Prior to consideration of this application a representative of the applicant addressed the committee. He stated that the recycling of aggregate was supported by national policy and avoided the need to extract materials from the ground or to send them to landfill. There had been no problems to date with dust or dirt from the site.

Resolved – That permission be granted in accordance with the recommendation contained in the report.

(iv) 10/0280 by Mr B Graham for the change of use of ground floor residential flat to extend adjoining beautician parlour at 9d Thomas Road, Scunthorpe.

Prior to consideration of this application an objector addressed the committee. He stated that the proposal would be of an unacceptable scale. It would attract additional vehicles to the site for which there was no car parking provision.

Resolved – That permission be granted in accordance with the recommendation contained in the report.

(v) 10/0291 by Miss S Chittenden for the erection of a 1.8 metre front boundary wall at Kinder House, King Street, Winterton.

Prior to consideration of this application an objector and a representative of the applicant addressed the committee.

The objector stated that the submitted plans were inaccurate as they showed a gate that was not actually there. The wall would seriously affect visibility for drivers exiting the church onto King Street who would not be able to see any pedestrians walking on the pavement.

The applicant’s representative stated that the wall would met the requirements of OFSTED in terms of the physical safety and privacy of children attending the nursery. Without it the nursery would have to close.

Resolved – That consideration of this application be deferred until a future meeting and that members visit the site prior to that meeting. The reason for the site visit is to assess the likely impact of the proposed wall on visibility.

(vi) 10/0296 by Mr Mujib Rahman for a minor material amendment to planning permission PA/2009/0718 to extend the area of the first floor extension at Great Fortune Chinese Restaurants, 1-7 Wendover Road, Messingham.

Resolved – That permission be granted in accordance with the recommendation contained in the report.

(vii) 10/0317 by North Lincs Property Holdings Ltd for the removal of a two metre strip of part of railway embankment land to be incorporated into rear gardens and construction of a 3.2 metre high retaining brick wall at former embankment, West of Harris View, Epworth.

Resolved – That consideration of this application be deferred until a future meeting and that members visit the site prior to that meeting. The reason for the site visit is to assess the likely impact of the proposed wall.

(viii) 10/0370 by Mr N Dent for the retention of a storage building (re-submission of PA/2010/0065 dated 09/03/2010) at Dent’s Builder’s yard, rear of 41 The Nooking, Haxey.

Resolved – That permission be granted in accordance with the recommendation contained in the report.

(ix) 10/0437 by Mr N Fozard for the erection of a detached domestic garage at Wyngrove, 37 Blow Row, Epworth.

Resolved – That permission be granted in accordance with the recommendation contained in the report