Planning Committee – 4 June 2014

Chair:  Councillor Bunyan
Venue:  Civic Centre, Scunthorpe
Time:  2  pm
1.  Substitutions.

2.  Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests and Personal or Personal and Prejudicial Interests, significant contact with applicants, objectors or third parties (Lobbying) and Whipping Arrangements (if any).

3.  To take the minutes of the meeting held on 7 May 2014 as a correct record and authorise the Chairman to sign.

4.  Major Planning Applications

5.  Planning and other applications for determination by the committee.

6.  Any other items, which the chairman decides are urgent, by reasons of special circumstances, which must be specified.


PRESENT:   Councillor Bunyan (in the Chair).

Councillors England (Vice Chairman), Ali, Bainbridge, Collinson, Glover, Grant, Waltham, Wardle and Wells.

Councillors Barker, Briggs, Ellerby, Foster and Ogg attended the meeting in accordance with Procedure Rule 1.37 (b).

The committee met at the Civic Centre, Scunthorpe.


The following members declared personal interests as follows: –

Member(s) Minute Application(s)
Nature of Interest
Cllr Wardle 1593 (i) 2014/0249 Knows the Applicant

The following members declared that they had been lobbied: –

Member(s) Minute(s) Application/Item(s)
Cllr Waltham 1593 (i)  2014/0249

The following member attending the meeting in accordance with the provisions of Procedure Rule 1.37 (b) declared that they had been lobbied: –

Member(s) Minute(s) Application/Item(s)
Cllr Briggs 1594 (ii)  2014/0316

1592  MINUTES – Resolved – That the minutes of the proceedings of the meeting held on 7 May 2014, having been printed and circulated amongst the members, be taken as read and correctly recorded and be signed by the chairman.

1593  (1)  MAJOR PLANNING APPLICATION – The Head of Development Management submitted a report containing details of a major application for determination by the committee including a summary of policy context, representations arising from consultation and publicity and assessment of the applications. In accordance with Procedure Rule D1.35 (i) (a), members had previously undertaken a site visit.

(i)  2014/0249 by Keigar Homes Ltd for planning permission for the erection of 10 dwellings with associated garaging and parking, including new access road on land to the rear of Burgon Crescent, Winterton.

The Head of Development Control provided an oral update and confirmed that additional conditions had been recommended further to consultation with  Highways Officers.  These were as follows:-

6. (Amendment to Condition 6 outlined within the report)
No development shall take place until a construction phase traffic management plan showing details of all associated traffic movements, including delivery vehicles and staff/construction movements, any abnormal load movements, contractor parking and welfare facilities, storage of materials and traffic management requirements on the adjacent highway, has been submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority. Once approved the plan shall be implemented, reviewed and updated as necessary throughout the construction period.

In the interests of highway safety and to comply with policy T19 of the North Lincolnshire Local Plan.

  1. No development shall take place until details showing an effective method of preventing surface water run-off from hard paved areas within the site onto the highway have been submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority. These facilities shall be implemented prior to the access and parking facilities being brought into use.

In the interests of highway safety and to comply with policy T19 of the North Lincolnshire Local Plan.

  1. No loose material shall be placed on any driveway or parking area within 10 metres of the adopted highway unless measures are taken in accordance with details to be submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority to prevent the material from spilling onto the highway. Once agreed and implemented these measures shall be retained.

In the interests of highway safety and to comply with policy T19 of the North Lincolnshire Local Plan.

  1. No dwelling on the site shall be occupied until the vehicular access to it and the vehicle parking spaces serving it have been completed and, once provided, the vehicle parking spaces shall be retained.

In the interests of highway safety and to comply with policies T2 and T19 of the North Lincolnshire Local Plan.

  1. Works shall not commence on site until wheel cleaning facilities, in accordance with details to be submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority, have been provided within the curtilage of the site, and this facility shall be retained for the duration of the works.

To prevent material being deposited on the highway and creating unsafe road conditions.

  1. No development shall take place until details of the drainage, construction, services and lighting of the proposed access road, including the junction with the adjacent highway, have been submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority.

In the interests of highway safety and to comply with policies T2 and T19 of the North Lincolnshire Local Plan.

  1. No dwelling on the site shall be occupied until the access road has been completed to at least base course level and adequately lit from the junction with the adjacent highway up to the access to the dwelling.

In the interests of highway safety and to comply with policies T2 and T19 of the North Lincolnshire Local Plan.

  1. No other works shall be commenced on the site until the access road junction with the adjacent highway, including the required visibility splays, has been set out and established.

In the interests of highway safety and to comply with policies T2 and T19 of the North Lincolnshire Local Plan.

  1. No works shall be commenced on the penultimate dwelling on the site until the access road has been completed.

In the interests of highway safety and to comply with policies T2 and T19 of the North Lincolnshire Local Plan.

  1. Notwithstanding the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (Amendment) (No. 2) (England) Order 2008 (or any order revoking and re-enacting that order with or without modification), no development shall take place within any service strip adjacent to any shared surface road, and any planting or landscaping within this service strip shall be of species which shall be agreed in writing with the local planning authority prior to planting.

In the interests of highway safety and to comply with policies T2 and T19 of the North Lincolnshire Local Plan.

The applicant addressed the Committee and explained the reasons behind the proposed development.  The Committee was advised that this was the last piece of land off Burgon Crescent suitable for development and was within the planning boundaries of Winterton.  He stressed that the concerns over traffic on Burgon Crescent had been considered and that Keigar Homes Ltd were willing to draw up a traffic plan and for this to be reviewed throughout the development.

The applicant advised the Committee that he was willing to consider a section 106 agreement, and that the additional conditions previously presented verbally by the Head of Development Control would be received.

Councillor Ogg, attending the meeting in accordance with Procedure Rule 1.37 (b) spoke on this application and conveyed apologies from Councillor Marper who had also called in this application, but was unable to attend due to other commitments.

Councillor Ogg explained that concerns had been raised over the access to the site and the impact that building traffic would have on residents of Burgon Crescent.  Members of the committee were also made aware of the impact that the heavy traffic may have on the surrounding area and streets and how this was over intensive development and not in keeping with the area.

Councillor Waltham spoke on the application and confirmed that the site visit had been beneficial for the committee members, not only to see the proposed development site but also to view the access via Burgon Crescent, which was considered to be too narrow and posed a potential concern for child safety.

Members engaged in further discussions with the Head of Development Management over the implications of the construction traffic on Burgon Crescent, whether there was alternative access to the site and whether this could be construed as over development.

Moved by Councillor Waltham and seconded by Councillor Wells –

That the application be refused on the grounds of inadequate highways access and over development of the site.

Motion Lost

Moved by Councillor Bunyan and seconded by Councillor England –

That permission be granted in accordance with the recommendations made within the report and the additional conditions proposed in the oral update provided by the Head of Development Management.

Motion Carried

1594  (2)  PLANNING AND OTHER APPLICATIONS – The Head of Development Management submitted a report incorporating a schedule containing details of applications for determination by the committee including summaries of policy context, representations arising from consultation and publicity and assessment of the applications. The Head of Development Management updated the reports orally where appropriate. Other officers attending gave advice and answered members’ questions as requested.

(i)  2014/0165 by Mr G and Mrs A M Coleman to erect an extension and carry out alterations to a dwelling, erect a replacement garage and a front boundary wall and gates at Ashtree Cottage, Barton Road, Wrawby.

Resolved – That planning permission be granted in accordance with the recommendations contained within the report.

(ii)   2014/0316 by Mr R Mills to erect a detached dwelling house (resubmission of PA/2014/0022) on land adjacent to 35 New Trent Street, Ealand.

An objector to the application expressed concerns that the proposed development would have a detrimental effect on the area and also neighbours, and referred committee members to the representations made by the Town Council and Neighbours that had been quoted within the report.  Specific reference was made to the size of the property, the inappropriate development of the site and the impact on surrounding dwellings.

An agent for the application explained that the proposed development was for a bungalow and not house as indicated.  He drew the committees attention to the Principle of the Development outlined within the report and explained that there were similar properties already in Ealand.

Further discussion ensued between the agent and the Head of Development Management  over previous applications for the site, the development of a site in Flood Zone 2/3a of the North Lincolnshire Strategic Flood Risk Assessment and the impact of the proposed development on neighbouring properties.

Councillor Briggs, Barker and Ellerby attending the meeting in accordance with Procedure Rule 1.37 (b) all spoke on this application and shared their views that the development was not in character with the area, it would have an impact on neighbouring properties and that the site was inappropriate for this dwelling.

Resolved – That planning permission be refused in accordance with the recommendations contained within the report.

1595  ANY OTHER BUSINESS – The Chairman explained to the Committee that Mr William Hill, Principal Planning Officer was  due to retire and requested that thanks be conveyed on behalf of the Committee to Mr Hill for the excellent work during his service and wished him well in his retirement.

Resolved – That the position be noted.