Planning Committee – 19 October 2016

Chair:  Councillor N Sherwood

Venue:  The Council Chamber, Civic Centre, Scunthorpe

Time:  2 pm


  1. Substitutions.
  2. Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests and Personal or Personal and Prejudicial Interests, significant contact with applicants, objectors or third parties (Lobbying) and Whipping Arrangements (if any).
  3. To take the minutes of the meeting held on 21 September 2016 as a correct record and authorise the chairman to sign.
  4. Planning and other applications for determination by the committee.
  5. Any other items, which the chairman decides are urgent, by reasons of special circumstances, which must be specified.

Note: All reports are by the Head of Development Management unless otherwise stated.


PRESENT: – Councillor N Sherwood (Chair)

Councillors Allcock (Vice-Chairman), Ali, Armitage, Bainbridge, Glover, Grant, Longcake, Mumby-Croft and Ogg

Councillor(s) Kataria, Poole, Rose and Waltham attended the meeting in accordance with Procedure Rule 37(b).

The committee met at Civic Centre, Scunthorpe.


The following member declared and personal and prejudicial interest:-

Member Minute Application Nature of Interest
Cllr Allcock 1768(xi) PA/2016/1463 Acted for Haxey parish Council in regard to a licensing application.

The following members declared a personal interest:-

Member(s) Minute Application(s) Nature of Interest
Cllr Allcock 1768(iv)

1768(i) 1768(ii)1768(i) 1768(x)1768(xi)



PA/2016/476 PA/2016/637 PA/2016/1211 PA/2016/1243 PA/2016/1273

Knows the Speaker

Knows the agent

Member of the Isle of Axholme and North Nottinghamshire Water level Management Board.

Cllr Grant 1768(vii)1768(ix) PA/2016/1036 PA/2016/1230 Knows the agent Knows the speaker

The following members declared that they had been lobbied:-

Member(s) Application(s) Minute
Cllr Rose PA/2016/637 and PA/2016/1463 1768(ii) 1768(xi)
Cllr N Sherwood PA/2016/1211 1768(viii)


Cllr Kataria addressed the committee at this stage in proceedings and ask that it be noted that at the meeting held on the 10 February 2016, minute number 1714 he declared a personal and prejudicial interest on application PA/2015/1207. In which he indicated he was a member of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Association, which was incorrect and requested it be noted as a mistake.

1767   MINUTES – Resolved – That the minutes of the proceedings of the meeting held on  21 September 2016, having been printed and circulated amongst the members, be taken as read and correctly recorded and be signed by the Chairman.

1768   (18) PLANNING AND OTHER APPLICATIONS – The Acting Head of Development Management submitted a report incorporating a schedule containing details of applications for determination by the committee including summaries of policy context, representations arising from consultation and publicity and assessment of the applications.  The Head of Development Management updated the reports orally where appropriate.  Other officers attending gave advice and answered members’ questions as requested.

(i)          PA/2016/476 by Mr and Mrs Stuart Stafford, Tyrerite Scunthorpe Ltd for application for a certificate of lawful development for an existing use of the storage and distribution of tyres at land rear of 14 West End Road, Epworth, DN9 1LB.

The agent for the application addressed the committee and asked it to agree with the officer’s recommendation to issue a certificate of lawfulness. He indicated that the report considered that sufficient evidence had been provided to demonstrate that the land in question had been used for the storage and distribution of tyres for an uninterrupted period in excess of 10 years, and that on balance of probability the certificate of lawfulness could be issued straight away.

Resolved – That a certificate of lawfulness be issued.

(ii)         PA/2016/637 by Mr Anthony Smith for planning permission to relocate a mixed use barn (part agricultural and part non-agricultural) at land adjacent to Star Croft, Turbary Road, Haxey.

The agent spoke on behalf of the applicant and highlighted that many other buildings had previously been approved on this site, and a larger barn was required to store all the hay for winter.  He stated that when this application was previously refused and appealed against, the Inspector dismissed the appeal on the grounds that the position of the barn would be detrimental to the open countryside, and not on the grounds that it was not required for the applicants farming activities. This application detailed the position of the barn being moved as advised and did feel it complied with policy.

Councillor Rose having called in this application felt that there was very little difference in the application to the one that was previously refused, and would be detrimental to the open countryside.  He felt it was too large and would affect the residential properties opposite.

Councillor Allcock highlighted that it had previously been refused by the committee and the inspector, that this application was no different to the previous one, it had been just moved very slightly, was still detrimental to the open countryside, and outside the development limits.

Councillor Bainbridge stated that she was minded to support the officer’s recommendation to grant permission, as she did not fell it would have any effect on the adjacent properties or the countryside.

Moved by Councillor Allcock and seconded by Councillor Glover-

That planning permission be refused for the following reason:-

The application site lies within the Area of Special Historic Landscape Interest of the Isle of Axholme, which is considered to be of national importance. The area is designated for its unique historic landscape retaining the pattern of medieval open strip fields and early enclosures surrounding the villages of the Isle. It is considered that the location, design and scale of the proposed development adversely affects both the existing character of the early enclosed land and its setting as part of the nationally important remnant historic landscape, and is therefore contrary to policies RD2 and LC14 of the North Lincolnshire Local Plan and policy CS6 of the North Lincolnshire Core Strategy.

                                                                                                                                                        Motion Carried.

(iii)        PA/2016/704 by Thompson & Burkitt for outline application to erect three detached dwellings (with all matters reserved) at land off College Road, East Halton, DN40 3PJ.

A speaker spoke in support of the application and indicated that whilst the site was outside the development boundary, it was a development in the heart of the village in a sustainable location, and within walking distance of all local facilities.  He stated it was difficult to see what harm it created, and taking into consideration the five year housing supply policy, he felt it would be beneficial and should be approved.

Councillor Glover felt there was no impact on the area from the proposal, there was no highway objections, no potential flood risk, and therefore would recommend that the application be approved.

Moved by Councillor Glover and seconded by Councillor Allcock:-

That planning permission be granted subject to the following conditions:-

  1. Approval of the details of the layout, scale, and appearance of the building(s), the means of access thereto and the landscaping of the site (hereinafter called ‘the reserved matters’) shall be obtained from the local planning authority in writing before any development is commenced.

The application has been made under Article 5(1) of the Town & Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (England) Order 2015.

  1. Plans and particulars of the reserved matters referred to in condition 1 above, relating to the layout, scale, and appearance of any buildings to be erected, the means of access to the site and the landscaping of the site, shall be submitted in writing to the local planning authority and shall be carried out as approved.

The application has been made under Article 5(1) of the Town & Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (England) Order 2015.

  1. Application for approval of the reserved matters shall be made to the local planning authority before the expiration of three years from the date of this permission.

To comply with the provisions of Section 92 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.

  1. The development hereby permitted shall be begun either before the expiration of five years from the date of this permission, or before the expiration of two years from the date of approval of the last of the reserved matters to be approved, whichever is the later.

To comply with the provisions of Section 92 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.

  1. No development shall take place until details of:

(i)       the location and layout of the vehicular access; and

(ii)      the number, location and layout of vehicle parking and turning spaces within the curtilage of the site; have been submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority.

In the interests of highway safety and to comply with policies T2 and T19 of the North Lincolnshire Local Plan.

  1. No development shall take place until details showing an effective method of preventing surface water run-off from hard paved areas within the site onto the highway have been submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority. These facilities shall be implemented prior to the access and parking facilities being brought into use.

In the interests of highway safety and to comply with policy T19 of the North Lincolnshire Local Plan.

  1. No loose material shall be placed on any driveway or parking area within 10 metres of the adopted highway unless measures are taken in accordance with details to be submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority to prevent the material from spilling onto the highway. Once agreed and implemented these measures shall be retained.

In the interests of highway safety and to comply with policy T19 of the North Lincolnshire Local Plan.

  1. Notwithstanding the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 2015 (or any order revoking and re-enacting that order with or without modification), nothing shall at any time be erected, retained, planted or allowed to grow over 1.05 metres in height above the level of the adjoining carriageway for a distance of 2 metres from the highway boundary across the site frontage.

In the interests of highway safety and to comply with policies T2 and T19 of the North Lincolnshire Local Plan.

  1. The existing vehicular access to the site shall be improved within highway limits in accordance with details to be submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority.

In the interests of highway safety and to comply with policy T19 of the North Lincolnshire Local Plan.

  1. If, during development, any odorous, discoloured or otherwise visually contaminated material is found to be present at the site then no further development shall be carried out until a written method statement detailing how this contamination shall be dealt with has been submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority.

To ensure that risks from land contamination to the future users of the land and neighbouring land are minimised, together with those to controlled waters, property and ecological systems, and to ensure that the development can be carried out safely without unacceptable risks to workers, neighbours and other off-site receptors in accordance with policy DS7 of the North Lincolnshire Local Plan.

  1. No development shall take place until an archaeological mitigation strategy, as defined in a brief prepared by North Lincolnshire’s Historic Environment Record, has been submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority. The strategy shall include details of the following:

(i)       measures to ensure the preservation in situ, or the preservation by record, of archaeological features of identified importance

(ii)      methodologies for the recording and recovery of archaeological remains, including artefacts and ecofacts

(iii)     post-fieldwork methodologies for assessment and analyses

(iv)     report content and arrangements for dissemination, and publication proposals

(v)      archive preparation and deposition with recognised repositories

(vi)     a timetable of works in relation to the proposed development, including sufficient notification and allowance of time to ensure that the site work is undertaken and completed in accordance with the strategy

(vii)    monitoring arrangements, including the notification in writing to North Lincolnshire’s Historic Environment Record of the commencement of archaeological works and the opportunity to monitor such works

(viii)   a list of all staff involved in the implementation of the strategy, including sub-contractors and specialists, their responsibilities and qualifications.

To comply with policy HE9 of the North Lincolnshire Local Plan because the site lies in an area of archaeological interest.

  1. The archaeological mitigation strategy shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details and timings, subject to any variations agreed in writing by the local planning authority.

To comply with policy HE9 of the North Lincolnshire Local Plan because the site lies in an area of archaeological interest.

  1. A copy of any analysis, reporting, publication or archiving required as part of the mitigation strategy shall be deposited at North Lincolnshire’s Historic Environment Record within six months of the date of completion of the development hereby approved by this permission or such other period as may be agreed in writing by the local planning authority.

To comply with policy HE9 of the North Lincolnshire Local Plan because the site lies in an area of archaeological interest.

  1. No external material shall be applied until samples of the external facing materials to be used have been submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority and only the approved materials shall be used.

In the interests of visual amenity and to accord with policy DS1 of the North Lincolnshire Local Plan.

  1. No development shall take place until a scheme for the disposal of foul and surface water has been agreed in writing by the local planning authority and none of the dwellings shall be occupied until it is connected to the approved drainage system.

To ensure satisfactory drainage is provided in accordance with policy DS14 of the North Lincolnshire Local Plan.

Motion Carried.

(iv)        PA/2016/707 by Mr & Mrs T Logan, T/A Willow View Farm for planning permission to retain the siting of a residential static portable building in connection with agricultural holding to breed pigs and sheep, retain door position on existing barn and retain bore hold at Willow View Farm, Ruard Road, Goxhill, DN19 7NW.

An objector stated that this application had previously been refused many times, and this one was no different to previous applications and should be refused on the same grounds. There was no need for the applicant to live on site as he only resides 1.5 miles away in Goxhill.

The agent for the application indicated that the application was not the same as previous applications and there was now a requirement to have 24 hour attendance on the site for the applicants pig breeding business. He highlighted that it was not common practice to leave breeding pigs unattended, and the officer’s report did not take that into account.

Councillor Allcock felt that due to the applicant only living 1.5 miles away in Goxhill, he could easily be at the site if required to attend to the pigs most of the time.

Resolved – That planning permission be refused in accordance with the recommendations contained within the officers report.

(v)         PA/2016/816 by Mr Julian Kirk-Alton for planning permission to change the use of an agricultural building to residential and erect extensions to the rear at Pinewood Farm, Holme Lane, Holme, DN16 3RF.

The applicant addressed the committee seeking approval for addition space at the property he has lived at for the last 16 years.  He highlighted that the majority of the officer’s report was in favour of the proposal, indicating there was 39 points in favour and only 12 against, 11 of which he felt were inaccurate.  He stated it was a practical proposition and did not visually impact on any other parties.

Councillor Allcock having read the officer’s report and detailed comments with regard to the historic and environmental records felt it should be approved.  He emphasised that it was just an extension to what was already on site.

Moved by Councillor Allcock and seconded by Councillor Ogg:-

That planning permission be granted subject to the following conditions:-

  1. The development must be begun before the expiration of three years from the date of this permission.

To comply with section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.

  1. The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the following approved plans: Location Plan, Proposed Block Plan, Existing Ground Floor Plan, First Floor Layout Plan, Proposed First Floor Plan and Proposed Elevations.

For the avoidance of doubt and in the interests of proper planning.

  1. If, during development, any odorous, discoloured or otherwise visually contaminated material is found to be present at the site then no further development shall be carried out until a written method statement detailing how this contamination shall be dealt with has been submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority.

To ensure that risks from land contamination to the future users of the land and neighbouring land are minimised, together with those to controlled waters, property and ecological systems, and to ensure that the development can be carried out safely without unacceptable risks to workers, neighbours and other off-site receptors in accordance with policy DS7 of the North Lincolnshire Local Plan.

  1. Works and biodiversity enhancements shall be carried out strictly in accordance with the submitted document “Biodiversity Management Plan for the Re-development of a Cottage and Associated Farm Buildings, Pinewood  Farm, off Holme Lane, Scunthorpe, North Lincolnshire”. The management prescriptions set out in sections 3, 4, 5 and 6 of the management plan shall be carried out in their entirety in accordance with the timescales set out in those sections. All biodiversity features shall be retained thereafter. Prior to the  completion of the approved development, the applicant or their successor in title shall submit a report to the local planning authority, providing evidence of compliance with the biodiversity management plan.

To conserve and enhance biodiversity in accordance with policies CS5 and CS17 of the North Lincolnshire Core Strategy.

  1. No development shall take place until details have been submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority of the make, type and colour of all external facing materials for the areas of new construction and only the approved materials shall be used.

To ensure that the building is in keeping with its surroundings in the interests of visual amenity, in accordance with policy DS1 of the North Lincolnshire Local Plan.

  1. Notwithstanding the provision of classes A and E of Part 1 of Schedule 2 of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (Amendment) (No.2) (England) Order 2008, or any order revoking and re-enacting that order with or without modification; no extensions or outbuildings shall be erected on the site other than those authorised by this permission.

To define the terms of the permission, taking into account the special circumstances under which planning permission has been granted and to ensure the development is in keeping with the character and appearance of the countryside, in accordance with policies RD2 of the North Lincolnshire Local Plan and CS3 of the North Lincolnshire Core Strategy.

Motion Carried.

(vi)        PA/2016/867 by Mr Richard Bainborrow, Lincolnshire Co-operative Ltd for advertisement consent to relocate existing totem sign at Co-op, High Street, Messingham, DN17 3RX.

Resolved – That planning permission be granted in accordance with the recommendations contained within the report.

(vii)      PA/2016/1036 by Mr G Farmer for outline planning permission to erect a farm manager’s dwelling with appearance, landscaping, layout and scale reserved for subsequent approval at Croft Bank Farm, Langholme Lane, Westwoodside, DN9 4EX.

The agent for the application stated that this application was required in order to carry on running a thriving business, and for the welfare of the cattle on the site.  The committee were informed that the farmer needs to be on site as birthing alone at night could and had led to serious complications previously, providing examples of what could happen. She also highlighted that other properties in the area had similar applications approved.

Moved by Councillor Allcock and seconded by Councillor Glover:-

That planning permission be granted subject to the following conditions:-

  1. Approval of the details of the layout, scale and appearance of the building(s), and the landscaping of the site, (hereinafter called ‘the reserved matters’) shall be obtained from the local planning authority in writing before any development is commenced.

The application has been made under Article 5(1) of the Town & Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (England) Order 2015.

  1. Plans and particulars of the reserved matters referred to in condition 1 above, relating to the layout, scale and appearance of any buildings to be erected, and the landscaping of the site, shall be submitted in writing to the local planning authority and shall be carried out as approved.

The application has been made under Article 5(1) of the Town & Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (England) Order 2015.

  1. Application for approval of the reserved matters shall be made to the local planning authority before the expiration of three years from the date of this permission.

To comply with the provisions of Section 92 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.

  1. The development hereby permitted shall be begun either before the expiration of five years from the date of this permission, or before the expiration of two years from the date of approval of the last of the reserved matters to be approved, whichever is the later.

To comply with the provisions of Section 92 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.

  1. The occupation of the dwelling shall be limited to a person solely or mainly employed in the cattle breeding, butchery and farm shop business at Croftbank Farm, Langholme Lane, Westwoodside or a widow or widower of that person and any resident dependants.

Permission is granted only after taking account of the particular business needs involved and therefore as an exception to policies CS3 of the North Lincolnshire Core Strategy and RD2 of the North Lincolnshire Local Plan.

  1. The dwelling shall not be occupied until the vehicular access to it and the vehicle parking space(s) serving it have been completed and, once provided, the parking space(s) shall thereafter be so retained.

In the interests of highway safety and to comply with policies T2 and T19 of the North Lincolnshire Local Plan.

  1. No development shall take place until details have been submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority of the make, type and colour of all external facing materials for the development and only the approved materials shall be used.

To ensure that the building is in keeping with its surroundings in the interests of visual amenity, in accordance with policy DS1 of the North Lincolnshire Local Plan.

  1. No development shall take place until details of the positions, design, materials and type of boundary treatment to be built/planted have been agreed in writing by the local planning authority. The agreed boundary treatment shall be built/planted before the dwelling is occupied, and once built/planted it shall be retained.

To provide an appropriate level of screening in accordance with policies H8 and DS1 of the North Lincolnshire Local Plan.

  1. The development permitted by this planning permission shall be carried out in accordance with the approved Supplementary Flood Risk Assessment (FRA) dated August 2016, prepared by Mark Simmonds Planning Services, including the following mitigation measures detailed within the FRA:

–         ground floor to be restricted to non-habitable uses only (garaging, utility and shower room, workshop)

–         finished floor levels of habitable accommodation to be set no lower than 4.4 metres above Ordnance Datum (AOD)

–         flood resilient design and construction techniques to be incorporated at ground floor level as detailed within the FRA.
The mitigation measures shall be fully implemented prior to occupation and subsequently remain in place.

To reduce the risk of flooding to the proposed development and future occupants, to reduce the consequences of flooding and to facilitate a quicker recovery in accordance with policy CS19 of the North Lincolnshire Core Strategy.

  1. If, during development, any odorous, discoloured or otherwise visually contaminated material is found to be present at the site then no further development shall be carried out until a written method statement detailing how this contamination shall be dealt with has been submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority.

To ensure that risks from land contamination to the future users of the land and neighbouring land are minimised, together with those to controlled waters, property and ecological systems, and to ensure that the development can be carried out safely without unacceptable risks to workers, neighbours and other off-site receptors in accordance with policy DS7 of the North Lincolnshire Local Plan.

  1. No development shall take place until a scheme for the disposal of foul and surface water has been agreed in writing by the local planning authority and the dwelling shall not be occupied until it is connected to the approved drainage system.

To ensure satisfactory drainage is provided in accordance with policy DS14 of the North Lincolnshire Local Plan.

Motion Carried.

(viii)     PA/2016/1211 by Mr & Mrs Brydon for planning permission to erect a detached four-bedroomed dwelling with integral garage at land rear of 83, 85 and 85A High Street, Belton.

An objector addressed the committee raising a variety of concerns on behalf of a number of residents in the area.  The concerns were related to the use of the private drive, along with additional parking problems, dangerous access due to five properties already accessing off a private drive, beyond the development boundary, and the fact that there was no two-way traffic and no lighting.

The agent indicated that he had had extensive discussions with the Highways department and planning to achieve a scheme that was acceptable, safe and suitable for the development. He felt the access was not an issue and one that had been resolved, with a legal right of access.

Councillor Allcock sought the Highways Officer’s view on the proposal, and he confirmed that he was happy with the proposal and did not feel he could object to it.

Resolved – That planning permission be granted subject to the conditions contained within the report.

(ix)        PA/2016/1230 by Mr Andrew Proctor for planning permission to erect a two-storey terraced house (part retrospective) at 1 End Terrace, School Lane, South Ferriby, DN18 6HW.

An objector stated that there were a number of problems associated with the application, including the fact that it was not an end terrace house and was actually a barn and it stating this felt that the plans were inaccurate.  He raised concerns around the narrow vehicular access and the problem with it overlooking neighbouring properties.

Councillor Waltham had called in the application and in doing so urged the committee to either refuse the application, or hold a site visit before they made a decision.  He highlighted a number of similar issues to the previous objector and stated that it was inappropriate for the setting, and the associated problems it would cause the next door property were not acceptable.

Resolved – That a decision on this application be deferred to allow the committee to have a site visit.

(x)      PA/2016/1243 by Mr K Phillips for planning permission to use existing garage for temporary accommodation for rear breeds manager and associated alterations at Shepherds Place, Akeferry Road, Westwoodside, Haxey Parish, DN9 2NF.

Resolved – That planning permission be granted in accordance with the recommendations in the report.

(xi)        PA/2016/1273 by Mr Tom Hopkins for planning permission to change the use of Wesleyan Chapel to residential including demolition of modern rear extension and erection of new rear extension including ancillary building works at The Wesleyan Chapel, High Street, Wroot, DN9 2BU.

An objector indicated he had two areas of concern with the application, one being an invasion of privacy, and the other was safety.    He felt that the windows of the proposed extension would open directly onto his property with no consideration given to the impact of his family’s privacy.  The safety aspect was the possible danger it could cause due to the lack of parking provision, and the fact that numerous incidents had occurred previously because of parking and the poor visibility.

The agent highlighted that all the safety, parking and highways issued raised previously had been considered before submitting the application, and the planning officer’s recommendation was to grant permission.  He also highlighted that Wroot Parish Council had removed the objection.

Resolved – That planning permission be granted in accordance with the recommendations contained within the report.

(Councillor Allcock having declared a personal and prejudicial interest left the meeting prior to consideration of the following item – Minute 1768(xi) refers)

(xii)      PA/2016/1463 by Mr Kenneth J Embleton for planning permission to vary condition 3 of PA/2014/0419 to allow for pop-up tapas and pop-up restaurant at 27 Low Street, Haxey, DN9 2LA.

An objector who lived next door was concerned that there would be additional noise and disturbance from vehicles and guest visiting the establishment, with insufficient car parking on site and indicated they already suffered from on-street car parking and inconsiderate parking and that this would only add to the problems.

The applicant informed the committee that his proposal to include a pop up restaurant as part of the guest house facility would only make the area more attractive to visitors in a growing rural economy.  He stated that they entertain guests from a number of places and wanted to provide them with the facilities to be able to stay in residence to enjoy a meal.  He said he felt it would enhance local services, and would adhere to the conditions imposed if permission was to be granted.

Councillor Rose having called in the decision reminded the committee that the same application had previously been refused in March 2016 and nothing had changed.  He stated that there were a number of objections against the application including residents and the Parish Council.  He asked the committee to refuse the application on the grounds that it was adjacent to residential properties, causing great concern about the number of parties to be held on site, the noise implications and the additional parking on what was already a busy junction.

Councillor Ogg also agreed with the previous speaker in that there was no change in the application to the one that was previously refused in March 2016.

Moved by Councillor Ogg and seconded by Councillor Mumby-Croft:-

That planning permission be refused for the following reason:-

The proposal represents inappropriate development which, if approved, would be likely to have an adverse effect on occupiers of nearby residential property by reason of noise and disturbance and cause highway and parking difficulties. The proposal as such is contrary to policies DS1 and T2 of the North Lincolnshire Local Plan.

Motion Carried.