Healthier Communities and Older People Scrutiny Panel – 27 October 2008

PRESENT:  Councillor Barker in the chair.

Councillors Sidell (Vice-Chairman), Collinson, Eckhardt, Jawaid MBE, Simpson and Wells.

Councillors Poole and Wilson attended the meeting in accordance with Procedure Rule 37(b).

The panel met at Pittwood House, Scunthorpe.

100  DECLARATIONS OF PERSONAL OR PERSONAL AND PREJUDICIAL INTERESTS AND DECLARATIONS OF WHIPPING ARRANGEMENTS – Mr Dean Gillon, Scrutiny Officer in attendance, declared a non-pecuniary interest, minute 102 refers, as his wife worked for the Alcohol and Drugs Service.

No whip was declared.

101  PUBLIC REQUESTS TO SPEAK There were no requests received.


(i) Discussions with Dianne Draper, Health Policy Manager and Regional Public Health Lead for Alcohol, Government Office – The Service Director Legal and Democratic advised the panel that the above representative from Government Office was not in attendance at the meeting due to unforeseen circumstances.  It was agreed that this matter would be rescheduled for a future meeting of the Healthier Communities and Older People Scrutiny Panel.

Resolved – That the position be noted.

(ii)  To receive the notes from the sub group meeting on 24 October 2008 – Details of the sub group meeting were circulated to members.  Those who had been able to attend the sub group meeting agreed that it had been a very informative meeting.  Members concluded that a great deal of work had already been started with very little resource.

Resolved – (a) That the notes of the above sub group meeting be received and agreed, (b) that a copy of the Alcohol Strategy be printed and circulated to all members of the Healthier Communities and Older People Scrutiny Panel, and (c) that the position be noted.

(iii)  Next Stages – Further to discussions, it was agreed that the following meetings would be arranged:-

  • Dianne Draper, Health Policy Manager and Regional Public Health Lead for Alcohol, Government Office
  • Tim Young, Alcohol and Drug Service
  • Stuart Minto, Head of Safer Neighbourhoods and Bruno Watson, Deputy Head of Safer Neighbourhoods

Future areas to consider were:-

  • Service users groups
  • Licensed Victuallers Association
  • Midwives to discuss the effect of drinking during pregnancy
  • Accident and Emergency, to discuss the additional impact on Friday/Saturday nights and also ages that they deal with
  • Children’s Services – Lynne Goodall
  • Others as deemed appropriate by the panel

Resolved – (a) That the position be noted.

103  (11) DRAFT PROPOSALS FOR SCRUTINY OF SPECIALISED COMMISSIONING – The Service Director Legal and Democratic advised the panel that recent literature had been received on the potential involvement of Scrutiny in the Specialised Commissioning Group (SCG).  It had recently been noted that Democratic oversight in the process would be beneficial to all involved.

Members were advised that the aim of the group was to consider the commissioning of specialised services, their location and funding. Following recent consultation with both Members and Officers from the Yorkshire and Humber region, it had been agreed that the development of an informal advisory group would be helpful to the process.  The Yorkshire and Humber SCG had agreed that this would be the most efficient and practical method of ensuring a link between commissioning arrangements and scrutiny.  A recommendation had been made that, each authority within the region would be represented by one or two members, and an accompanying officer.

Members were asked to comment on the recommendation, and discussions ensued.  After due consideration, the members agreed that they would engage in the proposed process, and that a reply be sent to this effect.

Resolved – (a) That the position be noted, and (b) the Service Director Legal and Democratic forward an appropriate reply on the panel’s behalf.

104  (12) PHARMACY IN ENGLAND: BUILDING ON STRENGTHS, DELIVERING THE FUTURE – PROPOSALS FOR LEGISLATIVE CHANGE – The Service Director Legal and Democratic provided an oral update on the proposed legislative changes.  It was explained that the document set out proposals for possible reform of arrangements where doctors provide dispensing services, mainly in rural areas, together with a single regulatory entry system for pharmacies and dispensing doctors.

Discussions followed, and concerns were voiced as to what impact this would have on elderly/immobile people living in rural areas. It was agreed that any Member who had been made aware of such difficulties within their ward would collect further details and report them to the panel at the next meeting.

Resolved – That the position be noted.

105  PERFORMANCE MONITORING ARRANGEMENTS – The Service Director Legal and Democratic explained that new proposed performance monitoring arrangements had been discussed at the last meeting of the Scrutiny Coordinating Panel.  This had arisen from feedback given following the latest Comprehensive Performance Assessment (CPA).

A draft proposed model had been drawn up following the last meeting of the Scrutiny Coordinating Panel to show the perceived involvement of scrutiny.  This had subsequently been forwarded to the Local Strategic Partnership Manager for due consideration and comment. 

It was perceived that details would be confirmed and finalised within the next couple of months.

Resolved – That the position be noted. 

106  (13 & 14) LEADER OF THE COUNCIL’S FORWARD PLAN – The Service Director Legal and Democratic circulated the Leader of North Lincolnshire Council’s Forward Plan for October 2008 to January 2009 and also November 2008 to February 2009.

The plan contained details of all matters and issues likely to be the subject of key decisions for a period of the next four months, updated on a monthly basis.  Members discussed various items on the Forward Plan.

It was agreed that further information would be welcomed on:-

  • Health Service Provision for the proposed Gypsy and Traveller sites

Resolved – (a) That the appropriate officer be invited to attend a future meeting of the Healthier Communities and Older People Scrutiny Panel, and (b) that the position be noted.