Scrutiny Co-ordinating Panel – 24 June 2008

PRESENT:  Councillor Davison in the chair.

Councillors Clark (vice-chair), Barker, Mrs Bromby, Cawsey, Sidell, Smith, Vickers and Wilson.

45  DECLARATIONS OF PERSONAL OR PERSONAL AND PREJUDICIAL INTERESTS – There were no declarations of personal or personal and prejudicial interests.

46  MINUTESResolved – That the minutes of the meeting of the Scrutiny Co-ordinating Panel held on 15 April 2008 having been printed and circulated amongst the members, be taken as read and correctly recorded.

47  PUBLIC REQUESTS TO SPEAK – There were no requests received

48  CORPORATE QUARTERLY PERFORMANCE REVIEW –  The Chair advised the panel that Nigel Manders, Performance and Resources Coordinator and Caroline Barkley, Head of Strategy Development had been invited to attend the meeting to provide a presentation outlining the new 198 performance indicators, the LAA targets/indicators, and to answer any further questions.

The panel was informed that as from 1 April 2009 the new performance framework would be known as the ‘Comprehensive Area Assessment’, which would replace the Corporate Performance Assessment, Annual Performance Assessment, Joint Area Review, Best Value Performance Framework and CPA Service assessments in Housing, Culture and Environmental services.

It was explained that the indicators were designed to influence the social economic and environmental well being of the area, and were not just about council services.  The process would include the involvement of partners from the public, private and voluntary sectors.

Nigel Manders provided further information on the seven themes of the 198 Indicators and how these related to the additional 51 Local Area Agreement (LAA) stretch targets and also 15 local indicators.  The involvement of overview and scrutiny was expanded on, and how problems with indicator results would be reported to scrutiny panels through the Local Strategic Partnership board.

Members engaged in further discussion with Nigel Manders and Caroline Barkley and it was agreed that further information would be necessary as to who was responsible for which indicators and reporting processes.

Resolved – That appropriate officers attend a meeting of each of the scrutiny panels to clarify which indicators they would ultimately be responsible for monitoring.

49  WORK PROGRAMME 2008/2009 – Update from Chair and Vice-Chair of each scrutiny panel – The chairs and vice-chairs of each of the four scrutiny panels for North Lincolnshire Council, were invited to provide a brief update to panel members on recent work completed and what work had been planned for 2008/2009.

Resolved – That the position be noted.

50  (1) OVERVIEW AND SCRUTINY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS 2008/2009 – The Service Director Legal and Democratic provided an oral report on the indicators that had been circulated to members.  It was explained that these were a management tool for overview and scrutiny, its supporting team of Scrutiny Officers, and was seen as good practice.

The panel was advised that last year 15 indicators had been monitored as a trial, some of which had been ineffective, and therefore this year it had been agreed by officers to reduce these to the seven as circulated.  He explained that the indicators had to provide meaningful targets, to be included in the Quarterly Performance Review, which would be to the benefit of the department and also Overview and Scrutiny as a whole.

Discussion ensued as to the relevance of certain indicators set, with details being clarified by officers in attendance.

Resolved – (a) That the indicators be approved for 2008/2009 and, (b) that the terms of these indicators be noted.

51  (2) OVERVIEW AND SCRUTINY MEMBER AND SENIOR OFFICER TRAINING – Initial feedback – The Service Director Legal and Democratic referred members to the results that had been forthcoming from the recent training event held.  Comments were discussed and it was agreed that there were no further training requirements at present.

Resolved – That the position be noted.

52  FORWARD PLAN – The Service Director Legal and Democratic explained that further to Minute 74 of the Healthier Communities and Older People Scrutiny panel, that the Forward Plan was a standard item on the agenda for each panel, in accordance with the council’s Constitution Overview and Scrutiny Procedure Rules.

Resolved – That the Forward Plan continue to be included on all agendas for scrutiny panels.