Healthier Communities and Older People Scrutiny Panel – 9 February 2010

PRESENT:  Councillor Barker in the chair.

Councillors Wells (Vice-Chairman), Collinson, Eckhardt, Jawaid, Simpson and Sidell.

The panel met at Pittwood House, Scunthorpe.


Nature of Interest
Councillor Collinson 234 & 235 Member of RDaSH

No whip was declared.

233  PUBLIC REQUESTS TO SPEAKThere were no requests received.

234  ADULT COMMUNITY MENTAL HEALTH – SERVICE MODEL DEVELOPMENT- Presentation and discussion with Caroline Briggs, Director of Strategic Commissioning and Development, and Lynne Hall, Head of Commissioning – Vulnerable People, NHS North Lincolnshire – The Chair welcomed Caroline and Lynne to the meeting and invited them to address the panel.

Members received a visual presentation, which outlined Mental Health Services within North Lincolnshire, concerns over the complicated referral system, the complexity of services and how these were not always linked together well enough.  Lynne explained the rationale behind the proposed changes, the national and local perspective and the guidance that had been delivered since 2008.

Caroline and Lynne explained in depth why there was a need for change, the rising levels of dementia and the need to provide age appropriate accommodation and the benefits of caring for people within the community.

Members engaged in further discussion over the proposed transfer of Adult Mental Health inpatient services to Great Oaks in Ashby, thereby not using the CARER ward at Scunthorpe General Hospital.  It was considered to be more beneficial to have all staff and patients on one site, which in turn would be more economical and practical.

The panel was advised of the timescales and was advised that once the business case had been determined it was expected that there would be the need for a full public consultation and that this would be conducted between August and October 2010.

The panel requested that it be kept informed of the progress, and requested that Caroline and Lynne attend a future meeting to discuss the outlined business case once it had been drafted by both RDaSH (Rotherham, Doncaster and South Humber mental health service) and NHS North Lincolnshire.

Resolved – (a) That Caroline Briggs and Lynne Hall be thanked for attending the meeting and for their informative presentation, (b) that Caroline and Lynne attend a future meeting to discuss the draft business case with the panel, prior to public consultation, (c) that site visits be arranged to both the CARER unit at Scunthorpe General Hospital and the Great Oaks site in Ashby, and (d) that the position be noted.

235  ADDED ITEM AS REQUESTED BY A MEMBER OF THE PANEL – PROGRESS ON THE DRAFT DEMENTIA STRATEGY – Discussions with Mike Briggs, Service Director – Adult Social Services, Karen Pavey, Head of Strategic Commissioning & Performance, Maria Oades, Commissioning Officer and Stephen Ball, Localities Manager – The Chair welcomed all officers to the meeting and invited them to outline the local response to the National Dementia Strategy February 2009.

Maria Oades explained that the Local Authority had taken the initiative to develop a local strategy.  To ensure that met the requirements of the local people, initial consultation had been arranged with the assistance of RDaSH, NHS North Lincolnshire and also care home providers.  Local people had been encouraged to contribute towards the local priorities, which included the re-establishment of focus groups, a dedicated advisory service and also a single point of contact.

Mike Briggs confirmed that the movement of care into the community would require the release of funding to finance the movement of services from acute care to the provision of community care and primary services.  The panel was advised that Dementia was increasing in North Lincolnshire and that effective services could only be achieved with joint work and an effective link between adult social services and NHS North Lincolnshire.

The panel was advised that no timescales had as yet been agreed as to when the local strategy would be in place.

Members engaged in further discussions over effective risk management within the community, the number of Dementia patients who may be cared for privately and had not been brought to the attention of the local authority, the projected levels of Dementia over the next 5/10 years and the impact that Dementia has on other members of the family.

Mike Briggs summarised the discussion by stating that the changes were necessary, but to achieve them would be a major challenge to all concerned.

Resolved – (a) That Mike Briggs, Karen Pavey, Maria Oades, and Stephen Ball be thanked for their attendance at the meeting, and (b) that the position be noted.

236  (21)  LEADER OF THE COUNCIL’S FORWARD PLAN – FEBRUARY TO MAY 2010 – The Service Director Legal and Democratic circulated the Leader of North Lincolnshire Council’s Forward Plan for February to May 2010.

The plan contained details of all matters and issues likely to be the subject of key decisions for a period of the next four months, updated on a monthly basis.  Members discussed various items on the Forward Plan.

Resolved – That the position be noted.