Economic Development and Corporate Issues Scrutiny Panel – 6 September 2010

PRESENT: Councillor Jawaid MBE in the chair.

Councillors Glover (Vice-chairman), Bainbridge, Barkworth, Ellerby, T Foster and Poole.

Councillor Collinson attended the meeting in accordance with Procedure Rule 1.37b.

The panel met at Pittwood House, Scunthorpe.

162 DECLARATIONS OF PERSONAL OR PERSONAL AND PREJUCICIAL INTERESTS AND DECLARATIONS OF WHIPPING ARRANGEMENTS (IF ANY) – There were no declarations of personal or personal and prejudicial interests.

No whip was declared.

163 PUBLIC SPEAKING – There were no requests received.

164 (1)  GREENING THE WORKPLACE REVISIT – Consideration of a final draft – The chair introduced the final draft of the scrutiny panel’s revisit of the 2006 report on Greening the Workplace, and invited comments, suggestions and further revisions.Members discussed a number of issues within the draft, including the proposed South Humber Gateway and the requirement for senior level leadership across the council.

Resolved – (a) That three minor changes, as stated, be made to the draft, and be subsequently agreed by the chair and vice-chairman, (b) that, if these are agreed, that the report be approved by the panel and passed to council for further debate and discussion

165 FUTURE WORK PROGRAMME – The chair led a discussion on the panel’s priorities for the remainder of the 2010/11 year. The previously agreed topic of Employee Development Reviews was due to be discussed at the panel’s next meeting.

Resolved – That a comprehensive list of previous scrutiny reports that fall within the panel’s terms of reference be presented to the next meeting of the scrutiny panel for further consideration.

166 (2) LEADER OF THE COUNCIL’S FORWARD PLAN –SEPTEMBER TO DECEMBER 2010 – The Service Director Legal and Democratic circulated the Leader of North Lincolnshire Council’s Forward Plan for September to December 2010.

The plan contained details of all matters and issues likely to be the subject of key decisions for a period of the next four months, updated on a monthly basis.

Resolved – That the Leader of the Council’s Forward Plan for April to July 2010 be noted.

167 ADDED ITEM – Councillor Poole gave notice that he would like an added item on the subject of Local Economic Partnerships to be included on a future agenda of the panel. The Service Director Legal and Democratic then clarified the relevant sections of the council’s constitution.

Resolved – (a) That Councillor Poole submit a written request for an added item to the Service Director Legal and Democratic, giving clear reasons for the added item and details of likely questions, in accordance with the council’s constitution, and (b) that a relevant report be prepared by appropriate officers and, in consultation with the chair, the issue be included on a future agenda.