Corporate Scrutiny Panel – 12 December 2011

PRESENT:   Councillor Glover in the chair.

Councillors Wilson (Vice-Chair), Bainbridge, Eckhardt, Marper, Oldfield and Wardle.

The panel met at Pittwood House, Scunthorpe.

37  DECLARATIONS OF PERSONAL OR PERSONAL AND PREJUDICIAL INTERESTS AND DECLARATIONS OF WHIPPING ARRANGEMENTS (IF ANY) – There were no declarations of personal or personal and prejudicial interests.

No whip was declared.

38  MINUTES – Resolved – That the minutes of the proceedings of this panel held on 14 November 2011, having been printed and circulated amongst the members, be taken as read and correctly recorded and signed by the Chairman.

39  PUBLIC REQUESTS TO SPEAK There were no requests received.

40  CORPORATE SCRUTINY PANEL – WORK PROGRAMME 2011-12 – Members considered their future work programme and priorities for the 2011/12 municipal year.

Resolved – That updates be provided to the panel’s next meeting on the ongoing review of Leisure Services and the council’s car lease scheme.  It was also agreed to maintain a watching brief on the potential impact of the Localism Act 2011.

41  OVERVIEW AND SCRUTINY AND THE COUNCIL’S BUDGET– The Chairman confirmed that the council’s Director of Finance would be in attendance at the panel’s meeting on 23 January 2012 to discuss  the council’s budget consultation for the period 2012-2016 with members.

42  LOCALISM ACT – Members were advised that officers were still considering how the Act might impact upon the authority’s work.  Regular updates would continue to be provided to the panel and all elected members.

43  ADDED ITEM – There was no added item for consideration at the meeting.