Health Scrutiny Panel – 16 October 2012

PRESENT:  Councillor Mrs Bromby in the chair.

Councillors Barker (Vice-Chair), Bainbridge, Evison and Ogg.

Councillors Armitage, Collinson, Kataria and Whiteley attended the meeting in accordance with the provisions of Procedure Rule 1.36 (b).

The panel met at the Civic Centre, Scunthorpe.

49  DECLARATIONS OF DISCLOSABLE PECUNIARY INTERESTS AND PERSONAL OR PERSONAL AND PREJUDICIAL INTERESTS AND DECLARATIONS OF WHIPPING ARRANGEMENTS (IF ANY) – There were no declarations of disclosable pecuniary interests and personal or personal and prejudicial interests.

No whip was declared.

50  PUBLIC REQUESTS TO SPEAK – There were no requests received.

51  (3)  THE STRATEGIC RESPONSE TO HEALTH INEQUALITIES – The Chairman led a discussion feeding back from an informal meeting with the public health facilitators and other staff from public health.  The panel considered how best to incorporate this information into the draft report that had been circulated.

Resolved – That the draft report be updated to incorporate recently gathered evidence and presented back to the panel at a future meeting for further discussion/agreement.

52  FEEDBACK TO THE PANEL FROM THE SITE VISIT TO WARD 28, SCUNTHORPE GENERAL HOSPITAL, AND INFORMAL DISCUSSIONS ON MORTALITY – The Chairman led a discussion on patients’ views and experiences gathered during a member visit to ward 28 at Scunthorpe General Hospital on 10 October 2012.  Generally, the experiences of patients appeared to members to have improved markedly since members’ last visit earlier in the year.  Feedback had been provided to the Trust and the commissioners.  The Chairman also reported back to the panel about the outcomes of an informal discussion that she had held with Karen Jackson, Chief Executive of Northern Lincolnshire & Goole Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust on 8 October 2012.  This meeting was held to discuss the recent report on mortality outcomes and how the local health economy was responding.  Relevant issues would be discussed at the panel’s next scheduled meeting which was to be wholly devoted to discussing the issue with local NHS leaders.

Resolved – That the situation be noted.

53  CONTINENCE SERVICES – The Chairman welcomed Karen Fanthorpe, General Manager, Community and Therapy Services Group, and Chris Tomlinson, Service Manager, of the continence service provided by Northern Lincolnshire & Goole Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.  The panel received a short presentation on the service and asked a range of questions, including on issues such as :

  • Referral pathways,
  • Links to care homes,
  • Delivery and storage,
  • Clinical assessment and treatment options,
  • Budgets and monetary pressures.

Resolved – (a) That Karen Fanthorpe and Chris Tomlinson be thanked for their attendance at the meeting, and (b) That a site visit to the service at Brumby Resource Centre be arranged to meet the staff and discuss the situation further.

54  (4)  OVERVIEW AND SCRUTINY ANNUAL REPORT 2011/2012 – The Director of Policy and Resources submitted the Overview and Scrutiny Annual Report 2011/12 for consideration and endorsement.

An oral overview of the report was provided.  Members were advised how the report outlined the developments within Overview and Scrutiny in 2011/2012, the effective working relationships that had been developed with external partners, a summary of the work carried out by each of the three panels in the last council year and the future challenges faced.

Resolved – (a) That the Overview and Scrutiny Annual Report 2011-2012 be received, and (b) that the annual report be published and circulated to appropriate partners and organisations.

55  SCRUTINY DEVELOPMENT AREA – The Director of Policy and Resources updated the panel on work underway as part of the panel’s successful bid to become a Scrutiny Development Area.

Resolved – That the situation be noted.

56  DEVELOPMENTS IN HEALTH – Members received a short, verbal update on developing issues relevant to the panel’s terms of reference.

57  ADDED ITEM – There was no added item for consideration at the meeting.