Places Scrutiny Panel – 24 October 2012

PRESENT:   Councillor T Foster in the chair.

Councillors Davison (vice chair), Clark, Oldfield and P Vickers.

Councillor Whiteley attended the meeting in accordance with the provisions of Procedure Rule 1.36 (b).

The panel met at the Civic Centre, Scunthorpe.


No whip was declared.

187  MINUTESResolved – That the minutes of the proceedings of this panel held on      3 October 2012, having been printed and circulated amongst the members, be taken as read and correctly recorded and signed by the chairman.

188  PUBLIC REQUESTS TO SPEAK– There were no requests received.

189  CABINET MEMBER AND SERVICE AREA PRIORITIES – The Chairman welcomed Councillor Mrs Redfern to the meeting, the council’s Cabinet Member for Regeneration.  Councillor Mrs Redfern had been invited to the panel meeting to update members on any key decisions, important business or key developments, which had occurred during the last quarter.  Namely –

  • The success of the jobs and careers event held at Forest Pines on 8 October.
  • The extension to the council’s apprenticeship scheme.
  • The success of the Social Inclusion conference held at the Baths Hall.
  • Progress on the Universal Training College consultation.
  • The transition to Eastern Airways ownership at Humberside Airport.
  • Dialogue with over 70 companies seeking to relocate to North Lincolnshire.

Following the update, the Chairman invited members to question the Cabinet Member for Regeneration.

Resolved – (a) That the oral update be noted, and (b) that the Cabinet Member for Regeneration be thanked for her attendance, presentation and for answering members’ questions.

190  (18)  POLICE AND CRIME COMMISSIONER – The Chairman welcomed Neil Kingston to the meeting.  Mr Kingston was the Strategic Development Manager and Assistant Chief Executive at Humberside Police Authority.  Mr Kingston had been invited to discuss with members the Police and Crime Commissioner Police and Crime Plan.

Members were informed that:

  • The new Police and Crime Commissioner would have direct local accountability and decentralisation which were part of a coherent reform agenda to cut crime;
  • Swapping bureaucratic control for democratic accountability was paramount, and that the newly installed Commissioner would be a big local figure who held a powerful local mandate to drive down incidents of crime and antisocial behaviour;
  • The role of the Commissioner would be greater than that of the Police Authorities they replaced.  There would be better links established with the Community Safety Partnership once the Commissioner was in post, and the new Commissioner would have responsibility for Community Safety and other funding streams.

Mr Kingston then invited members to comment on the priorities contained within the plan to ensure they were aligned with the priorities for the residents of North Lincolnshire.

Resolved – (a) That the presentation be noted; (b) that members receive a copy of the Police and Crime Plan once it has been formally adopted by the Police and Crime Commissioner, and (c) that Mr Kingston be thanked for his attendance, presentation and for answering members’ questions.

191  CANDIDATES CONTESTING THE POLICE AND CRIME COMMISSIONER FOR HUMBERSIDE ELECTION ON 15 NOVEMBER 2012 – The Director of Policy and Resources informed the panel that the Electoral Commission had now confirmed the candidates who had submitted their paper work and paid their deposit by the deadline of 12 noon on 19 October 2012, the list of confirmed candidates contesting the election was as follows –

  • Godfrey Bloom – UKIP
  • Simone Butterworth – Liberal Democrat
  • Paul Davison – Independent
  • Neil Eyre – Independent
  • Matthew Grove – Conservative
  • John Prescott – Labour
  • Walter Sweeney – Independent

Resolved – That the names of the candidates be noted.

192  FEEDBACK FROM THE POLICE AND CRIME COMMISSIONER CANDIDATE QUESTION TIME EVENT HELD ON TUESDAY 23 OCTOBER 2012 – The Chairman facilitated a discussion with panel members on the Police and Crime Commissioner question time event, which was held on Tuesday 24 October 2012.

Resolved – That the position be noted.

(19)  SCRUTINY REVIEW OF COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT – The Director of Policy and Resources circulated the scrutiny brief and review timetable for their forthcoming review of community engagement in North Lincolnshire.

193  Resolved – That the scrutiny brief and review timetable be agreed.

The Chairman welcomed Will Bell, Chris Skinner and Dave Hey to the meeting, the council’s Assistant Director Legal and Democratic Services, Head of Communications and Head of Stronger Communities respectively.  Mr Bell, Mr Skinner and Mr Hey had been invited to the meeting to discuss with members their role and responsibilities in communicating with the public.

Issues discussed include –

  • The recent review of Stronger Communities.
  • IT software available to support engagement.
  • Role of the council’s Communications team.
  • Avoiding duplication.
  • Who and how the council could consult, and
  • The council’s web site.

194  Resolved – (a) That the stakeholder interviews be noted; (b) that members receive a presentation on the “Uengage” IT software, and (c) that Mr Bell, Mr Skinner and Mr Hey be thanked for their attendance, presentation and for answering members’ questions.

195  LEVEL 1 BASIC DRUG AWARENESS TRAINING – The Director of Policy and Resources informed the panel that due to the unavailability of a number of members from both the Health and Places Scrutiny Panels, it was agreed to postpone the training event scheduled to be held on 31 October 2012 to a future date and time.

Resolved – That members amend their diaries accordingly.

196  (20)  OVERVIEW AND SCRUTINY ANNUAL REPORT 2011/2012 – The Director of Policy and Resources submitted the Overview and Scrutiny Annual Report 2011/12 for consideration and endorsement.

An oral overview of the report was provided.  Members were advised how the report outlined the developments within Overview and Scrutiny in 2011/2012, the effective working relationships that had been developed with external partners, a summary of the work carried out by each of the three panels in the last council year and the future challenges faced.

Resolved – (a) That the Overview and Scrutiny Annual Report 2011-2012 be received, and (b) that the annual report be published and circulated to appropriate partners and organisations.

197  POTENTIAL JOINT REVIEW WITH THE PEOPLE SCRUTINY PANEL – AWARENESS OF STRANGER DANGER IN NORTH LINCOLNSHIRE – The Director of Policy and Resources informed the meeting that the Chairman of the Places and People Scrutiny Panels had explored the possibility of a joint review being undertaken on the issue of ‘stranger danger in North Lincolnshire’.  This followed the tragic abduction of young April Jones in Wales last month, and recent unconfirmed allegations of attempted abductions in North Lincolnshire.

The aim of the review was to determine if the council and its partners were proactively engaging with our young people in raising awareness of stranger danger in North Lincolnshire.

The item was discussed and agreed at the People Scrutiny Panel meeting on 18 October 2012.

The Chairman then facilitated a discussion on the merits of conducting a joint review with the People Scrutiny Panel on the issue of stranger danger in North Lincolnshire.

Resolved – (a) That a joint review between the Places and People Scrutiny Panel on the issue of ‘stranger danger in North Lincolnshire’ be agreed, and (b) that on behalf of the panel, the Director of Policy and Resources formulate a review scope and scrutiny brief, for consideration at the next meeting of the panel.

198  ADDED ITEM – There was no added item for consideration at the meeting.