Health Scrutiny Panel – 11 November 2013


PRESENT:  Councillor Mrs Bromby in the chair.

Councillors Bainbridge, Eckhardt, Godfrey and Ogg.

Councillor Whiteley attended the meeting in accordance with the provisions of Procedure Rule 1.37 (b).

The panel met at the Civic Centre, Scunthorpe.

162  DECLARATIONS OF DISCLOSABLE PECUNIARY INTERESTS AND PERSONAL OR PERSONAL AND PREJUDICIAL INTERESTS AND DECLARATIONS OF WHIPPING ARRANGEMENTS (IF ANY) – There were no declarations of disclosable pecuniary interests and personal or personal and prejudicial interests.

No whip was declared.

163  PUBLIC REQUESTS TO SPEAK – There were no requests received.

164  DISCUSSION WITH REPRESENTATIVES, YORKSHIRE AMBULANCE SERVICE NHS TRUST – The Chairman welcomed Hester Rowell, Head of Quality and Patient Experience, Michela Littlewood-Prince, Head of Quality Assurance NHS111, and Mark Leese, Customer Relationship Manager NHS111, to the meeting.  Following introductions, the Chairman invited Hester and Mark to update members on progress with implementing the NHS111 Service across North Lincolnshire and the wider patch, and to also discuss their draft Quality Account.

The service representatives covered a range of issues, responding to members’ questions throughout.  These included staffing, training, the number of calls and pathways of care, and marketing of the 111 service.  The panel also discussed performance and challenges facing the service.

Resolved – (a) That Hester Rowell, Michela Littlewood-Prince and Mark Leese be thanked for their attendance at the meeting; (b) that arrangements be made to enable the scrutiny panel to comment on the draft Quality Account, and (c) that the situation be noted.

165  (10)  HEALTH INEQUALITIES IN NORTH LINCOLNSHIRE – The Chairman welcomed Adrian Smith, Strategy and Relationship Manager, and Tracey Warnatby, Health Improvement Practitioner – Specialist, to the meeting.  Tracey and Adrian discussed the action plan that had been drafted in response to the panel’s 2012 report “The Strategic Response to Health Inequalities in North Lincolnshire”.

Resolved – That the action plan be noted.

166  (11)  THE STANDARDISED HOSPITAL-BASED MORTALITY INDEX (SHMI) IN NORTH LINCOLNSHIRE – The Director, Policy and Resources presented an action plan prepared by the local health community in response to the panel’s 2013 report “The Standardised Hospital-based Mortality Index (SHMI) in North Lincolnshire”.

Resolved – (a) That the action plan be noted, and (b) that the Chairman feed back members’ views on the action plan to the meeting of Cabinet due to be held on 12 November 2013.

167  DEVELOPMENTS IN HEALTH – Members received a short, verbal update on developing issues relevant to the panel’s terms of reference.

Resolved – That the situation be noted

168  ADDED ITEM – There was no added item for consideration at the meeting.