People Scrutiny Panel – 22 October 2013


PRESENT:  Councillor Marper in the Chair.
Councillors Collinson (Vice-Chair), Allcock, Godfrey and Wells.
Statutory Co-opted Members: Mrs D Senior and Mrs P Whittaker (Parent Governor Representative) and Mr W Egan (Church Representative).
Councillor Rowson attended the meeting in accordance with the provisions of Procedure Rule 1.37 (b).
The panel met at the Civic Centre, Scunthorpe.


Member Minute Nature of Interest
Councillor Collinson 227 Family member employed

in the Youth Service

No whip was declared.

222  MINUTES – Resolved – That the minutes of the proceedings of this panel held on 10 July and 11 September 2013, and the special meeting held on 28 August 2013, having been printed and circulated amongst the members, be taken as read and correctly recorded and signed by the chairman, subject to the agreed amendments to Minute 207.
223  PUBLIC REQUESTS TO SPEAK There were no requests received.

224  REVIEW OF CHILDHOOD WEIGHT IN NORTH LINCOLNSHIRE – The Chairman invited members to update the panel on their observations and comments following visits to primary and secondary schools in North Lincolnshire.

Councillors Collinson and Godfrey updated the panel on there visit to Messingham Primary School and Councillor Wells provided feedback on his visit alongside Councillor Clark to Baysgarth Secondary School.

Members discussed the school lunches available to children, the students dining experience, school lunch take up at the schools, lunch time activities available to the children and the various methods children could pay for their lunch.

Following the update, the Chairman facilitated a discussion on the school visits to Messingham Primary School and Baysgarth Secondary School.

Resolved –  (a)That Councillors Collinson and Godfrey, and Wells and Clark be thanked for attending Messingham Primary School and Baysgarth Secondary school respectively; (b) that there oral updates be received with thanks; (c) that members observations be considered as part of the panel’s discussion on its findings and considerations into the review of childhood weight in North Lincolnshire, and (d) that members receive a presentation at a future meeting on the ‘Get Going’ project.

225  (6)  NORTH LINCOLNSHIRE SECONDARY SCHOOLS PROVISIONAL GCSE OUTCOMES – The Chairman welcomed Peter Thorpe to the meeting, the council’s Assistant Director of Education who had been invited to discuss with panel members the provisional GCSE outcomes for North Lincolnshire secondary schools.

The Assistant Director explained to members the following –

  • Significant improvements in the quality of school provision,
  • Lag between improvements in provision and the headline performance measure,
  • Indications of underlying improvement in education outcomes, and
  • Challenges remaining at local authority level and individual school level.

Following the presentation, the Chairman facilitated a discussion on the provisional GCSE outcomes for North Lincolnshire secondary schools

Resolved – (a) That the presentation be noted, and (b) that the Assistant Director for Education be thanked for his attendance, presentation and for answering members’ questions.

226  RAISING THE PARTICIPATION AGE – ENGAGEMENT AND PARTICIPATION – The Chairman welcomed Julie Lane to the meeting, the council’s Lead Officer for 16-19 year olds who had been invited to discuss how the council was supporting all young people to continue in education or training until the end of the academic year in which they turn 17 from 2013, and until their 18th birthday from 2015.

The Lead Officer for 16-19 year olds informed members –

  • Of the council’s duties to all young people aged 16-19 and for those aged 20-24 with a Learning Difficulty Assessment in their area,
  • Of the current picture in North Lincolnshire,
  • What the council was doing now and what had already been done,
  • What difference had been made, and
  • What the council was doing next to support all young people

Following the presentation, the Chairman facilitated a discussion on Raising the Participation Age.

Resolved – (a) That the presentation be noted, and (b) that the Lead Officer for 16-19 year olds be thanked for her attendance, presentation and for answering members’ questions.

227  CABINET MEMBER AND SERVICE AREA PRIORITIES – The Chairman welcomed Councillor Waltham to the meeting, the council’s Cabinet Member for People.  Councillor Waltham had been invited to the panel meeting to update members on any key decisions, important business or key developments, which had occurred during the last quarter.

Following the update, the Chairman invited members to question the Cabinet Member for People.

Resolved – (a) That the oral update be noted, and (b) that the Cabinet Member for People be thanked for his attendance, presentation and for answering members’ questions.

228  ADDED ITEM – There was no added item requested for consideration at the meeting.