Health Scrutiny Panel – 14 October 2014

PRESENT:  Councillor Mrs Bromby in the chair.

Councillors Barker (Vice-Chair), Bainbridge, Eckhardt and Ogg.

Councillor Whiteley attended the meeting in accordance with the provisions of Procedure Rule 1.37 (b).

The panel met at the Civic Centre, Scunthorpe.

258  DECLARATIONS OF DISCLOSABLE PECUNIARY INTERESTS AND PERSONAL OR PERSONAL AND PREJUDICIAL INTERESTS AND DECLARATIONS OF WHIPPING ARRANGEMENTS (IF ANY) – There were no declarations of disclosable pecuniary interests and personal or personal and prejudicial interests.

No whip was declared.

259  PUBLIC REQUESTS TO SPEAK – There were no requests received.

260  PRIMARY CARE MERGER – The Chairman welcomed Geoff Day and Rachel Singyard from NHS England’s North Yorkshire & Humber Area Team, Dr Balasanthiran and Jan Till from Ashby Clinic, and Dr Terreros and Wendy Ryder from West Common Lane Medical Centre, to the meeting.

The Chairman explained that the witnesses had been invited to update the panel on proposals to merge the practices in order to ensure future sustainability and to improve access and services, and to feedback on recent patient engagement and consultation.   The witnesses outlined the planned benefits to patients of a formal merger, and described how they had sought patient opinion and responded to concerns.  It was envisaged that patients would retain a choice of which surgery they would prefer to attend.

Members asked a number of questions on the issue, including on GP and Nurse Practitioner numbers, patient list sizes, and the consultation process.

Resolved – (a) That Geoff Day, Rachel Singyard, Dr Balasanthiran, Jan Till, Dr Terreros and Wendy Ryder be thanked for their attendance, (b) that the panel note the situation.

261  INTEGRATED HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE LOCALITY TEAMS – The Chairman welcomed Karen Pavey, Assistant Director Adult Services, Julie Clark, Principal Manager Social Work, Caroline Briggs, Director of Commissioning North Lincolnshire CCG, and Maureen Georgiou, General Manager for Community and Therapy Services, Northern Lincolnshire & Goole NHS Foundation Trust to the meeting.

The witnesses had been invited to the meeting to discuss progress with the operation of the five Integrated Health and Social Care Locality Teams based across North Lincolnshire.  It was explained that a joint Health and Social Care Board had been established, feeding into the aims of the Frail and Elderly Plan, to guide the work of the teams.  A number of recent actions had been put in place to improve services, and to externally evaluate the service.  Steps were being taken to subsequently implement the recommendations.

Members asked a range of questions on the operation of the teams, including staffing, referral patterns, funding, and joint working arrangements.

Resolved – (a) That Karen Pavey, Julie Clark, Caroline Briggs and Maureen Georgiou be thanked for their attendance, and (b) that a further update be provided to the panel at a future date.

262  DEVELOPMENTS IN HEALTH – Members received a short, oral update on developing issues relevant to the panel’s terms of reference.

Resolved – That the situation be noted

263  ADDED ITEM – There was no added item for consideration at the meeting.