Corporate Scrutiny Panel – 3 December 2015

PRESENT: –  Councillor Robinson in the chair.

Councillors Bainbridge (Vice-Chair), Carlile, J Davison and P Vickers.

The panel met at the Civic Centre, Scunthorpe.

371  DECLARATIONS OF DISCLOSABLE PECUNIARY INTERESTS AND PERSONAL OR PERSONAL AND PREJUDICIAL INTERESTS AND DECLARATIONS OF WHIPPING ARRANGEMENTS (IF ANY) – There were no declarations of disclosable pecuniary interests and personal or personal and prejudicial interests –

No whip was declared.

372  MINUTES – Resolved – That the minutes of the proceedings of this panel held on 12 November 2015, having been printed and circulated amongst the members, be taken as read and correctly recorded and signed by the chairman.

373  PUBLIC REQUESTS TO SPEAK There were no requests received.

374  IT HOME AND FIELD BASED SUPPORT – Further to Minute 369, the Chairman welcomed Helen Manderson and Paul Smith to the meeting, the council’s Assistant Director Human Resources and Unified Communications Manager respectively.  Ms Manderson and Mr Smith had been invited to the meeting to update members on the IT home and field based support that was available to council employees and councillors.

Following the presentation, the Chairman facilitated a discussion between panel members and Ms Manderson and Mr Smith.

Resolved – (a) That the position be noted, and (b) that the council’s Assistant Human Resources and Unified Communications Manager be thanked for their attendance, presentation and for answering members’ questions.

375  ADDED ITEM – The Chairman informed the meeting that he was in receipt of an added item, submitted by Councillor Collinson on “Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnerships”.

376  FUTURE MEETING DATES AND TIMES – The Chairman informed the meeting that the meeting of the Panel, scheduled to be held on Wednesday 23 December 2015, would be cancelled, and replaced with a special meeting of the Panel on Thursday 21 December 2016, commencing at 4:30 pm, at the Civic Centre, Scunthorpe.