Children and Education Scrutiny Panel – 9 December 2019

Chairman:   Cllr T Foster
Venue:  S01e, Church Square House, 30-40 High Street, Scunthorpe
Time:  2 p.m.
E-mail Address:


  1. Substitutions.
  2. Declarations of disclosable pecuniary interests and personal or personal and prejudicial interests and declarations of whipping arrangements (if any).
  3. Public speaking request (if any).
  4. Adoption and Fostering
    4.1 Discussion with the Head of Safeguarding Organisation,
    4.2 Next stages (if any)
  5. Added item (if any).
  6. Any other items which the Chairman decides are urgent by reason of special circumstances which must be specified.


PRESENT:-    Councillor T Foster in the Chair.

Councillors Yeadon (Vice-Chair), Armiger, England, Longcake, and Mitchell.

Statutory Co-opted Members: P Whittaker (Parent Governor Representative).

The panel met at the Church Square House, High Street, Scunthorpe.

14        DECLARATIONS OF DISCLOSABLE PECUNIARY INTERESTS AND PERSONAL OR PERSONAL AND PREJUDICIAL INTERESTS AND DECLARATIONS OF WHIPPING ARRANGEMENTS (IF ANY) – Cllr Longcake declared a personal interest as his relative was a Health Visitor.  Mrs Whittaker declared a personal interest as a North Lincolnshire Foster Carer.

No whip was declared.

15        PUBLIC REQUESTS TO SPEAK – There were no requests received.

16      ADOPTION AND FOSTERING – The Chairman welcomed Rob Murray, Head of Safeguarding Organisation, Karen Everatt, Adoption Service Manager, and Tracy Eaden, Responsible Officer (Regulated Support), to the meeting.  The Chairman explained that the officers had been invited to update members on local systems in place to deal with and encourage adoption and fostering.

Rob led a detailed presentation covering the council’s responsibilities, how the authority undertakes this work, and local performance.  It was confirmed that North Lincolnshire Council was an outstanding provider for adoption services, and that fostering was also rated as outstanding.  The presentation then covered areas for development in 2020, including working to find families for harder to place children and ‘breaking the cycle’ for those already in contact with the authority.

Members asked relevant questions throughout the presentation, discussing topics such as accessing information, maintaining contact with the young people, accessing mental health support, and providing future support into education, training and employment.

Resolved – (a) That Rob Murray, Karen Everatt and Tracy Eaden be thanked for their attendance, the update, and for providing answers to members’ questions, and (b) that the situation be noted.

17        ADDED ITEM – There was no added item for consideration at the meeting.  An added item on ensuring the welfare of children and young people would be considered at a future meeting.