Places Scrutiny Panel

Terms of reference:

To carry out the relevant overview and scrutiny functions relating to services delivered or commissioned by the council and its relevant partners and partner authorities relating to –

(i) prosperous, safer, and cleaner places, environmental and community wellbeing and connectivity, and

(ii) to carry out all appropriate functions as the council’s Crime and Disorder Committee under paragraph 1 Section 19 Part 3 of the Police and Justices Act 2006.

(iii) to meet responsibilities expected by the Pitt Review relating to flood risk management.

To be mindful at all times of the need to take account of the Council’s Corporate Parenting Pledge, and the commitment to children in care and care leavers as contained within the Pledge in carrying out the panel’s work.

Members:  Three

Conservative (2)   Labour (1)


  • Jonathan Evison (Chairman) (Conservative)
  • Steve Swift (Vice-Chair) (Labour)
  • vacancy (Conservative)