Customer Services, Sport & Leisure Cabinet Member – Minutes – 13 August 2013

23        (2)  EPWORTH CCTV NETWORK –  The Director of Places submitted a report which sought approval of proposals to provide a town centre CCTV scheme in Epworth.

The council operated two town centre CCTV schemes which served Scunthorpe, Ashby and Brigg, and also a number of CCTV cameras monitored specific locations such as the Civic Centre complex.

A number of incidents of crime and anti-social behaviour in Epworth had highlighted a need for a town centre CCTV scheme. A campaign by the local press under the banner heading “Protect Our Town”, and supported by the local Member of Parliament and ward members had called for additional security measures in Epworth Town Centre, inviting local residents and traders to sign up in support of the campaign.

Monitored CCTV camera surveillance in Epworth had not been considered as economically viable due to the distance between Epworth and the Security Control Centre and the resultant CCTV infrastructure costs involved.  It was explained that recent improvements in wireless technology and the continued expansion of the council’s wireless network, now made this scheme both possible and affordable.

Details of the proposals were outlined in the report and associated appendices.

Resolved  – That the progression of the Epworth CCTV scheme, based upon three digital dome cameras be approved.