Customer Services, Sport & Leisure Cabinet Member – Minutes – 20 June 2013

22        (1)  KINGSWAY GOLF COURSE –  The Director of Places submitted a report for consideration of the outcomes of a public consultation on the future of Kingsway Golf Course and sought an agreed way forward.

Elected members had been keen to gather the views of Kingsway Golf Course users and the public to inform decisions on the future direction for the facility.  A public consultation was carried out in April 2013 and 145 responses were received.

In addition a petition had also been received calling for the council ‘ to retain the land presently occupied by Kingsway Golf Club as a green open space that can be used for a variety of recreational activities’.  The petition had in excess of 900 signatures.

It was explained that officers and elected members had given careful consideration to the findings from the public consultation, and the views of the public had been listened to in order to shape the options presented for consideration.

Resolved – (a) That the land presently occupied by Kingsway Golf Course be retained as a green open space; (b) work be undertaken to develop options to improve the current offer for customers, and (c) that the representative of the petitioners be written to informing them of the decision on the future of Kingsway Golf Course.