Regeneration Cabinet Member – Minutes – 26 March 2014

80        (21) SSE KEADBY WIND FARM COMMUNITY FUND – The Director of Places submitted a report which provided the Cabinet Member with an update on the SSE Keadby Wind Farm Community Fund and sought approval to establish a fixed-term post of SSE Community Fund Support Worker.

The Secretary of State approved the wind farm on 28 February 2008, and the SSE Keadby Wind Farm Community Fund was launched in October 2013 with an annual budget of £170,000.

The fund was established in response to the development of the wind farm at Keadby and was aimed at providing a community benefit to residents in the North Axholme Ward.

It was explained that the council acted as the administering body for the fund on behalf of SSE, the wind farm provider and facilitated the Funding Panel meetings where all applications for funding were considered.

The Funding Panel had considered the application process and the information required from applicants.  It had indicated that they would support the provision of a support worker to advise and help applicants develop their project ideas and complete and submit funding applications.

The Funding Panel had set a limit on the level of funding available for the post at £10,000 and therefore the number of hours provided would depend on the outcome of the job evaluation process.

Resolved – That the establishment of a fixed term part-time post of SSE Community Fund Support Officer for up to 18 months be approved.


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