Adults & Families Cabinet Member – Minutes – 20 January 2017

4 (4) RESIDENTIAL AND NON-RESIDENTIAL CARE SERVICES CHARGING POLICY – The Interim Director of Adult Social Care submitted a report seeking approval to publish a revised Residential and Non-residential Services Charging Policy: Financial Framework for Adults Receiving Care and Support Services.

The council was required under the Care Act 2014 to provide financial support to residents with eligible needs for care and support from the local authority. This included residential and non-residential care and support packages.

The amount of financial support provided by the council was determined by a financial means test, known as a financial assessment. The financial assessment was undertaken in line with local policies which are determined by the Department of Health Care and Support Statutory Guidance. The assessment considered two areas of the financial resources: Income and Capital.

The policy set out the detail of income that would be considered or disregarded.

The report set out details of the proposed financial rates.

Resolved – (a) That the revised Financial Framework for Adults Receiving Care and Support Services be approved, and (b) that the Interim Director of Adult Social Care be authorised to make future policy updates in line with statutory guidance and published rates.