Investment, Assets & Employment Cabinet Member – Minutes – 4 May 2018

5 (5) SKILLS AND EMPLOYABILITY PLAN 2017-2022 – The Director: Learning, Skills and Culture submitted a report seeking approval of the North Lincolnshire Skills and Employability Plan 2017-2022.

The Skills and Employability Plan set out the high level ambitions of the council to driving up skills and employment in North Lincolnshire. The plan contributed to the council’s overarching strategy to increase prosperity for the people and place of North Lincolnshire.

The priorities and actions outlined within the plan had been developed to put North Lincolnshire in a strong position to respond to national and regional policy. Integral was the acknowledgement that skills underpin many of the council’s ambitions for increasing productivity, growing the economy and supporting businesses.

The plan provided a framework for all partners in North Lincolnshire with a role in delivering learning, skills and employment initiatives.

The plan contributed to the councils ambitions to;

• support the national drive for growing the apprenticeship offer, enhancing technical education and raising the bar on higher level and specialised skills,
• enable people who required additional support to move into work or develop the skills they need to contribute to the area and their local community, and
• transform the council’s customer facing services to enable people to access the information they need to gain skills experience and employment.

The Skills and Employability Plan was attached to the report.

Resolved – That the Skills and Employability Plan be approved.

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