Corporate Services Cabinet Member – minutes – 24 June 2008
138 (4) CLOSURE OF CROSBY NEIGHBOURHOOD PATHFINDER INITIATIVE – The Chief Executive submitted an urgent report seeking approval for the closure of the Crosby Neighbourhood Pathfinder initiative and its staff team.
Urgent approval was required in order to integrate the decision with the council’s wider budget process.
In 2003 North Lincolnshire Strategic Partnership (NLSP) secured seven years funding for the Crosby Neighbourhood Pathfinder initiative (NMP). The NMP’s aim was that service providers and residents worked together to develop services more appropriate to the needs of local people. Crosby NMP Ltd, was formed to oversee the initiative. The company was made up of residents, service providers, and representatives of the community, faith, private and voluntary sectors.
Working with residents, priorities were identified and the NMP focussed, with success, on issues that improved the quality of life of local people. The staff team in Crosby had to manage over forty such projects, which meant that the focus on Neighbourhood Management was diluted.
Central government was keen that Neighbourhood Management be used to devolve decision making down to a neighbourhood level. The NMP’s exit strategy had always involved the roll out of Neighbourhood Management across North Lincolnshire. The North Lincolnshire Strategy Partnership had agreed a system based on 17 wards reporting to five area teams and ultimately the Partnership itself.
Resource implications of the proposal were also outlined in the report.
Resolved – (a) That the proposal to formally close the Crosby Neighbourhood Management Pathfinder initiative be approved; (b) that the Chair and board members of Crosby NMP Ltd, and the Crosby NMP staff team be thanked for their work on neighbourhood management, (c) that the emergence of the new independent not for profit organisation linked into the NLSP Neighbourhood Action teams be welcomed, (d) that all four posts within the Crosby NMP team cease to exist, and that the council’s redeployment policy be applied to staff currently in post, (e) that resources be transferred as set out in the report, and (f) that a further report detailing the revised staffing structure be submitted to the Corporate Services Cabinet Member at a later date.