Sport, Leisure and Culture Cabinet Member – Minutes – 25 January 2010

74 (14) GRANT AID APPLICATIONS JANUARY 2010 – The Service Director Asset Management and Culture submitted a report giving details of the different leisure grant aid schemes in existence, and seeking approval of an application for financial assistance.

Resolved – That the application be dealt with as follows:

Barrow Bowls Club Purchase of cylinder mower and scarifier to assist in green maintenance and purchase of woods for development of young people’s group £600

75 (15) RELOCATION OF BARTON LOCAL LINK – The Service Director Community Planning and Resources submitted a report seeking approval for the relocation of Barton Local Link from The Old Magistrate’s Court to Providence House.

Barton Local Link opened at The Old Magistrate’s Court in 1997 and was the council’s first one stop shop. The current accommodation however had only one private interview room. It was also a listed building which limited the scope for development.

A review of customer service sites in Barton had identified surplus accommodation at Providence House. This building currently housed the library and adult education centre. There was already a successful precedent at Ashby Link for combining these three services in one building. Bringing together services in one building in this way helped to develop a community hub.

A number of surgeries currently delivered at the Local Link would transfer to Providence House, and a proposed social enterprise café planned by the Adult Education Service would further help to increase footfall and provide a customer base on one site.

Resolved – That approval be given for the proposal to relocate Barton Local Link to Providence House as set out in the report.