Adult Services Cabinet Member – Minutes – 10 September 2010

60 (3) ADULT SOCIAL SERVICES WORKFORCE STRATEGY 2010 – 2015 – The Service Director Adult Social Services submitted a report which explained how staff had been involved in developing the strategy and subsequent action plan. The recommendations addressed the workforce development needs emerging from the national and local strategic priorities in four key areas.

The strategy outlined the plans Adult Social Services had for the next five years in supporting the transformation agenda and ensuring they had a confident, enabled and well-equipped adult social care workforce-transforming services in the way the Government had set out in Putting People First.

Staff had been involved in the development of this strategy through four working groups focusing on the specific themes. The groups had met throughout 2009 and into 2010 identifying the good practice and emerging issues in each area on which they made recommendations for changes and development. A further workshop with staff had been held to develop and agree the action plan. The consultations with staff had directly fed into the development of the strategy and action plan.

Resolved – That the Adult Social Services Workforce Strategy 2010 – 2015 and action plan be endorsed for implementation.

61 (4) SHARED VISION FOR THE PARTNERSHIP ARRANGEMENTS WITH NHS NORTH LINCOLNSHIRE – The Service Director Adult Social Services submitted a report which sought endorsement and approval of the partnership with NHS North Lincolnshire (NHS NL) to improve the health and well being of local residents.

April 2009 saw the commencement of the new governance arrangements and established Executive Strategic Commissioning Board. The Board was established to extend integrated working and joined-up commissioning to other adult services (specifically older people and people with disabilities); increase the level of service user and carer involvement with the establishment of citizen specific partnerships and to link more closely with the Local Strategic Partnership ambitions.

The board had developed a shared vision that showed how it intended to work together to improve outcomes for vulnerable people and identified a number of areas that would work together on over the coming year or so.

Resolved – (a) That the Partnership arrangements with NHS North Lincolnshire be endorsed, and (b) that the vision be presented to the Well Being and Health Improvement Partnership.

62 (5) PERSONAL SOCIAL SERVICES SURVEY – The Service Director Adult Social Services submitted a report which outlined the outcomes of the Personal Social Services Survey undertaken in February 2010, and informed the Cabinet member of further work that would be undertaken as a result.

The survey was utilised by the Department of Health (DOH) to make comparisons of the services delivered across the country. Each year the service and service user group was changed. It was explained that this year the survey was directed at service users who had received equipment or minor adaptations funded by Social Services.

The results of the survey were used to determine two main Adult Services performance indicators (NI127 and NI128). Whilst comparison with other authorities was not yet possible, the results for North Lincolnshire Social Services looked very positive.

The Cabinet Member was advised that the DOH analysis of the results would not be available until December 2010. The report contained a substantial amount of data that could aid service development.

Resolved – (a) That the Personal Social Services Survey report be endorsed, and (b) that details be provided to the Healthier Communities and Older People Scrutiny panel for discussion.

63 (6) ADULT SOCIAL SERVICES – SERVICE PLAN 2010 – 2013 – The Service Director Adult Social Services submitted a report to seek approval of the 2010 – 2013 Service Plan.

This plan set out how the service would achieve the vision and ambitions it had for the North Lincolnshire area, communities and people who lived and worked here. It was explained that the Service Plan was a ‘live’ document that would continue to be developed and improved throughout its life to reflect the progress of Adult Social Services.

Resolved – That the Adult Social Services – Service Plan 2010 – 2013 be approved.

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