Asset & Estate Management, Sport, Leisure & Culture Cabinet Member – Minutes – 19 July 2011
The following items contain exempt information as defined in paragraph 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended).
4 (4) NORMANBY ENTERPRISE PARK SLAG BANKS RECLAMATION PROJECT – The Director of Infrastructure Services submitted a report seeking approval to continue with the staged funding, from the Property Trading Account (PTA), of remediation works to 22 hectares (ha) of land known as the Slag Banks on Normanby Enterprise Park, Scunthorpe.
In October 2010, the council agreed to fund the reclamation of 22ha of the Slag Banks, in stages, to maximise recycling opportunities and to avoid the imposition of Landfill Tax on waste land filled after March 2012. (Reference Cabinet Member meeting 10 October 2010, Agenda Item No 3)
The removal of stockpiled soil during the Stage 1 reclamation works exposed a 1.8ha veneer of Blast Furnace Slag that lied midway between the Moat and the Scheduled Monument Site. It was explained that the slag was being recycled by Eppleton Quarry Products Ltd and that subsequently the area would be investigated for land quality, and covered with soil thereafter.
The Director advised that notice had been served on Eppleton Quarry Products Ltd (EQP) to vacate their 3ha processing and stockpile area in the centre of the Slag Banks by 31 December 2011. This has been done to enable the removal of contaminated waste from that area to be completed before the Landfill Tax deadline during the proposed Stage 2 Reclamation works. If required by the council, EQP had indicated that 1ha of their site could be made available for reclamation from mid August 2011.
Authorisation was requested to proceed with Stage 2 of the Slag Banks’ reclamation as soon as practicable. It was recommended that this be achieved by carrying out some of the Stage 2 works during Summer, under the Stage 1 Contract by issuing a Variation Order to reclaim the area of uncovered slag and part of the EQP processing area during August and September 2011. It was considered that bringing forward the reclamation would minimise possible unforeseen conditions, future price rises (mainly fuel) and would give better definition of the remaining Stage 2 work.
Resolved – (a) That the ongoing use of Property Trading Account funds for the continued staged remediation of NEP7 (Slag Banks) be approved, (b) that the Director of Infrastructure Services be authorised to proceed with the Variation Order Works referred to in paragraph 4.2 of the report, during Stage 1 reclamation, and proceeds with the procurement of Stage 2 Reclamation for Completion by April 2012, and (c) that further reports relating to the Stage 2 tendered works be submitted to the Cabinet Member for consideration at the appropriate time.
Where there is no report this is because it is exempt, as it contains information which is considered to be of a confidential nature, as detailed in the Local Government (Access to Information) Act.