Regeneration Cabinet Member – Minutes – 22 March 2013

53        (34) LINCOLNSHIRE LAKES CONSULTATION TIMETABLE AND PROCESS – The Director of Places submitted a report which sought approval of the consultation strategy and timetable for the progression of the Lincolnshire Lakes Area Action Plan (AAP) public consultation.

The report outlined that four options for developing the Lincolnshire Lakes Area Action Plan had been developed over the previous 18 months.  Baseline evidence along with input from key stakeholders had been compiled to create four options suitable for public consultation and the consultation process for the AAP would follow the Council’s adopted Statement of Community Involvement to ensure that all sections of the community and stakeholders had the opportunity to be actively involved throughout the planning process.

It was explained that following the consultation period and the interpretation of the feedback from the consultation into the design process, a Preferred Option would be identified.  This would be finalised through modelling, costing and subject to a further consultation period with statutory partners prior to submission to the Government for independent examination.

The consultation strategy was attached as Appendix A to the report.

ResolvedThat the consultation strategy and timetable for development of the Area Action Plan be approved.