Highways & Neighbourhoods Cabinet Member – Minutes – 22 May 2013

54 (50) RESIDUAL WASTE TREATMENT FACILITY – UPDATE – The Director of Places submitted a report updating the Cabinet Member on progress to date toward securing a Residual Waste Treatment Facility solution, and seeking approval to take the project forward. 

Cabinet approved a number of recommendations in January 2013 toward securing the provision of a residual waste treatment facility for dealing with residual waste in North Lincolnshire in the future (minute 1007 refers).  The aim was to generate renewable energy in the form of electricity for the potential benefit of North Lincolnshire residents and local businesses.

In the period since, the council had established a suitable project team and put in place the necessary arrangements to oversee the delivery of the project.  The council approved the necessary funding required to support the project in February 2013 as part of the 2013/14 revenue budget.

The project team had undertaken work to explore the best method by which to achieve the aims required from the project. This had included further ‘soft market testing’ dialogue with potential partners, which had highlighted a number of potential risks to achieving the successful delivery of the project.  In particular, having a waste treatment facility fully operational by March 2017, the critical cut-off date to facilitate access to ‘renewable obligation certificate’ funding incentives that were likely to prove vital to securing the optimum value for money solution for the council.

To ensure that these risks were mitigated as far as was practicable; the project team suggested that it was prudent to scope a procurement using a streamlined procedure that aided the widest possible market participation. The report gave details of a set of proposed key project objectives against which the procurement process would be driven.

The report also gave details of the benefits that should be realised by taking the project forward, along with an indicative project timetable.

Resolved – (a) That the progress made to date, as detailed in the report, toward securing a Residual Waste Treatment Facility solution be noted; (b) that the objectives for the project, set out in paragraph 2.4 of the report, against which to progress with a streamlined procurement aimed at securing the widest possible market participation to provide a waste treatment facility solution that be fully operational if possible by March 2017, be approved, and (c) that a suitable streamlined procurement procedure be put in place to enable the widest market participation at the earliest opportunity.