Adults and Families Cabinet Member – Minutes – 14 February 2017

5 (5) COMMISSIONING STRATEGY – VULNERABLE ADULTS 2017-18 – The Director of Governance and Partnerships submitted a report seeking approval to publish the refreshed Commissioning Strategy – Vulnerable Adults 2017-19.

A vibrant social care and support sector was essential to achieving the aims of the Council Strategy and the Vulnerable Adults Strategy. The commissioning strategy enabled the achievement of delivering the priorities and outcomes through reshaping, creating and developing the right service, at the right time, in the right place in response to the changing population and changes in population needs.

The Commissioning Strategy – Vulnerable Adults set out how the council would meet its duties under the Care Act 2014 through commissioning activity, providing an outline of how the council would develop the social care and support sector to achieve the shared vision. It also signalled the need for further integration and collaboration with health and set out priorities for integrated commissioning across health and social care.

The document provided an overview of the strategic direction that lead to the council’s commissioning intentions. The strategy described the commissioning process, including the considerations and standards that were applied.

The commissioning strategy complemented the Services to Adults Market Position Statement 2016-18. The Market Position Statement provided the technical level of detail required by the private and voluntary sector to support their development plans. The combination of the two documents would ensure that the commissioning intentions converge with developments in the care and support provision to achieve positive outcomes for the vulnerable adults in North Lincolnshire.

Resolved – That the publication of the refreshed Commissioning Strategy – Vulnerable Adults 2017-19 be approved.