Connectivity Cabinet Member – Minutes – 19 November 2019

3 CONCESSIONARY FARES 2020/21 – PUBLICATION OF DRAFT SCHEME – The Director: Operations submitted a report seeking approval for a ‘Draft Scheme’ for concessionary fares reimbursement.

The council, as a travel concession authority, had a duty to provide free travel older people and people with disabilities between 9.30am and 11.00pm, Monday to Friday and all day at weekends and bank holidays. This was part of the English National Concessionary Travel Scheme (ENCTS). Bus operators were reimbursed for concession passengers that travelled on local registered bus services.

With effect from 2017/18, the council had moved to a voluntary capped fund arrangement with bus operators. The Department for Transport’s reimbursement calculator was used as the basis for negotiations. It was proposed to continue with this methodology.

Smaller operators with infrequent services (e.g. once per week) and community transport providers would have simpler arrangements which was permitted in the guidance.

The council was required by law requires to issue passes to eligible residents. Bus operators were reimbursed for carrying concessionary passholders, on a “no better off and no worse off” basis.

Resolved – (a) That the ‘Draft Scheme’ for concessionary fares reimbursement be approved, and (b) that consideration be given as to whether any aspects of the scheme be amended before publication of the final scheme in early March 2020.