Health and Wellbeing Board – 14 September 2020

Chairman:  Councillor Waltham MBE
Venue:  Virtual meeting Microsoft Teams
Time:  1.30 pm
E-Mail Address:

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1.  Welcome and Introductions.

2.  Substitutions

3.  Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests and Personal or Personal and Prejudicial interests.

4.  To approve as a correct record the minutes of the meeting of the Health and Wellbeing Board held on 29 June 2020

5.  Forward Plan and Forthcoming Actions from previous meetings (if any)

6. Questions from members of the public.


7.  Covid-19 Outbreak Management and Prevention – Report by the Director of Public Health

8.  Director of Public Health’s Annual Report – Presentation by the Director: Public Health

9.  Humber Health and Care System – Operational Plan 2020/21.  Presentation by the Chief Operating Officer, North Lincolnshire CCG

10.  Healthwatch North Lincolnshire – Annual Report 2019/20.   Presentation by the Delivery Manager, Healthwatch.

11.  Developing a System Wide Health Inequalities Strategy. Report by the Director: Public Health

12.  Date and time of next meeting: 16 November 2020, 4pm

13.  Any other items which the Chairman decides are urgent by reason of special circumstances which must be specified


PRESENT: – Councillor Waltham MBE in the Chair

Carrie Butler, Mick Gibbs, Simon Green, Helen Grimwood, Cllr Hannigan, Denise Hyde, Becky McIntyre, Karen Pavey, Cllr Reed, Alex Seale, and Penny Spring.

Dean Gillon was also in attendance.

The meeting was held virtually via MS Teams.

319     WELCOME AND INTRODUCTIONS – The Chairman welcomed all those present to the meeting and invited all attendees to introduce themselves.

320     DECLARATIONS OF DISCLOSABLE PECUNIARY INTERESTS AND PERSONAL OR PERSONAL AND PREJUDICIAL INTERESTS – There were no declarations of disclosable pecuniary interests and personal or personal and prejudicial interests.

321     MINUTES – Resolved – That the minutes of the meeting of the Health and Wellbeing Board, held on 29 June 2020, be approved as a correct record.


Resolved – That the Forward Plan and Forthcoming Actions report be noted.

323     QUESTIONS FROM MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC – There were no questions from members of the public.

324     COVID-19 OUTBREAK MANAGEMENT AND PREVENTION – The Director of Public Health submitted a report updating the Board on progress on the seven themes within the North Lincolnshire Outbreak Prevention and Management Plan and discussing key areas for focus for the forthcoming period.

The Director explained that North Lincolnshire Council was the lead organisation for local outbreak planning, within a national framework and with the support of NHS Test and Trace, Public Health England, and other government departments. The North Lincolnshire Outbreak Prevention and Management Plan set out the local  collaborative and preventive approach, which was based on the tried and tested practice of preventing and containing outbreaks in individual settings such as workplaces and care homes, enhanced with a broader range of partners, capacity, communications and governance.

The Director then gave updates on each of the seven themes, as outlined within their report, including care homes, educational settings, testing, and contact tracing.

The Board discussed the report, including scenario planning and how care and nursing homes can be supported more efficiently, with the Director responding accordingly.

Resolved – That the Health and Wellbeing Board note the Outbreak Prevention and Management activity as outlined in the report.

325     DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC HEALTH ANNUAL REPORT 2019/20 – The Director of Public Health submitted a covering report to their 2019/20 Annual Report. As last year, this report was made in video format, primarily to increase accessibility and dissemination. The report would again be hosted on YouTube and the link to it would be made publicly available and shared through a number of means.

The report video, which covered the following areas, was viewed by the Board:

  • The Director’s introduction and purpose for the report
  • Progress achieved by the commissioned 0-19 service provider
  • An overview of the provision of influenza vaccinations for pregnant women
  • The impact work to reduce the harm caused by maternal smoking
  • An introduction to Baby’s First Friends and Intensive Family Support
  • An overview of the Young People’s Ethnographic study and following work
  • The contribution made to Public Health by North Lincolnshire Council’s Adult Community Learning programme
  • The impact of Challenge 10,000
  • The work that Public Health has undertaken to embed the Five Ways to Wellbeing
  • The DPH’s recommendations and goals for the coming year

Following the video, the Board discussed the content, including future recommendations and goals.

Resolved – (a) That the Health and Wellbeing Board note and welcome the Director of Public Health’s Annual Report 2019/2020; (b) that the Board consider the Director’s recommendations within the report, and (c) that the board assist in disseminating the Annual Report widely, including the good practice achieved around key public health priorities across North Lincolnshire.

326     HUMBER HEALTH AND CARE SYSTEM – OPERATIONAL PLAN 2020-2021.  The Chief Operating Officer, North Lincolnshire CCG, gave a detailed presentation on the Humber Health and Care Operational Plan 20/21 to the Board.  This primarily covered the plan for recovery from the Covid-19 pandemic, highlighting issues such as how the system had responded, the impact on our population, an assessment of equalities, and the implementation and consequences of additional ‘Phase 3’ requirements set out by the Department of Health.

The Board discussed the presentation, particularly around the local implications and how the necessary developments could best be implemented.

Resolved – (a) That the Health and Wellbeing Board note the presentation by the Chief Operating Officer, and (b) that further updates and proposals be provided to the Board in due course.

327     HEALTHWATCH NORTH LINCOLNSHIRE: ANNUAL REPORT 2019/20.  The Delivery manager, Healthwatch North Lincolnshire, submitted the organisation’s Annual Report, which summarised the statutory activities undertaken by Healthwatch in 2019/20.

The Delivery Manager highlighted examples of Healthwatch making a difference to the lives and wellbeing of local residents, including through empowering them to find the right answers, and outlining ways that they were improving patient and public involvement across North Lincolnshire.  The work plan and priorities for 2020/21 were also discussed.

Members of the Board discussed Healthwatch’s contribution to the local response to Covid-19 and it was confirmed that Healthwatch had been active throughout, helping many local people with the Telephone Buddy scheme and other initiatives.

Resolved – That the Health and Wellbeing Board note and welcome the Healthwatch North Lincolnshire: Annual Report 2019/20.

328     PROPOSAL TO DEVELOP A NORTH LINCOLNSHIRE SYSTEM WIDE HEALTH INEQUALITIES STRATEGY.  The Director of Public Health submitted a report outlining the rationale and proposed way forward in developing a system wide Health Inequalities Strategy for North Lincolnshire, building upon the Marmot Review “10 Years On” report on life expectancy.  This proposed strategy also reflected the disproportionate impact of Covid-19 on lower socio-economic and vulnerable communities.  The Director explained that the strategy was intended to halt and reverse health inequalities across the whole health, care and wellbeing system.

A wide range of strategies were in place across North Lincolnshire, many led by local partnerships, which included consideration of actions aimed at reducing inequalities across the population and reducing unacceptable variations in supporting services. The aim of developing a Health Inequalities Strategy would be to further build on what was in place, working with partners across the system to ensure addressing inequalities are also at the heart of their planning and prioritisation. This reflected the Health and Wellbeing Board’s role in ensuring that good health and wellbeing was the responsibility of all, in order to keep the local population healthy and well and to remove the variations that can separate communities.

The Board discussed methods of minimising duplication of effort, whilst welcoming that this approach would be across the entire system.  The Chief Operating Officer highlighted that this would assist with the Phase 3 requirements set out in the previous discussion on the Humber Operation Plan (minute 326 refers).

Resolved – That the Health and Wellbeing Board endorse the proposed work outlined in the report at paragraph 3.1, encompassing the complementary work on promoting equality across the health and care system.

329    DATE AND TIME OF NEXT MEETING – The Board was informed that the date of the next meeting would be on 16 November 2020 at 4pm.